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Discussion on: My Firefox Extension Is Actually Being Used, and I Think That's Really Cool.

wajahatkarim profile image
Wajahat Karim πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°

Congrats man. That's awesome. πŸ‘
I still remember when I open sourced my first Android library, EasyFlipView. I said to my friend that even if 1 user adds this in his/her app, I will be on cloud 9. And after about 1.5 years, its been downloaded for more than 16000 times globally and that's huge for me.

wajahatkarim3 / EasyFlipView

πŸ’³ A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc.

πŸ’³ EasyFlipView

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A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc.

βœ”οΈ Changelog

Changes exist in the releases tab.

πŸ’» Installation

Add this in your app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.wajahatkarim3.EasyFlipView:EasyFlipView:2.1.0'

Or add EasyFlipView as a new dependency inside your pom.xml


❔ Usage


EasyFlipView In XML layouts("Vertical")

    <!-- Back Layout Goes Here -->
    <include layout="@layout/flash_card_layout_back"/>
    <!-- Front Layout Goes Here -->
    <include layout="@layout/flash_card_layout_front"/>
jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€

I'm still just blown away, like... People are actually using something that I made? It's crazy. I can't wait to see how 16000 downloads feel.

I'd like to get into mobile development. I've got some game ideas that I think people would enjoy.