DEV Community

Discussion on: Why is CSS Hated On?

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters

Not the whole story, but here are some thoughts:

  • The web is so ubiquitous that a lot of non-programmers find themselves having to dabble in CSS but don't touch it enough to actually learn it.
  • CSS is a compile-to language. A lot of languages that actually have to run natively are pretty hard to use.
  • CSS used to be a lot worse, and experienced programmers are sometimes remembering a very old version of CSS where centering was pretty hard.
gabrielpedroza profile image
Gabriel Pedroza

The first 2 points definitely make sense but CSS has been getting better over time. It is definitely not a programming language and maybe programmers think they can just write a few lines easily but it should almost be treated as one. Old CSS was very hard but we now have easy props like flexbox and grid to make responsive designs 100x easier. If a web developer is working with css, they can easily use the BEM naming convention and/or make modular css files to really make css "easier" to write and understand.