DEV Community

Discussion on: Best Domain and Hosting providers

wassimbj profile image
Wassim Ben Jdida

i dont think there is a specific thing, it depends on your needs, if you have a small website with small traffic, you could just use heroku or other like it, or if your website is a little bigger you could go with aws its more flexible. its also depends on your budget and your programming language, there is many things that you must consider to say that this is the best hosting provider. don't tired your mind and think about the best one, just take what you need

bocanegradev profile image
Lukas Bocanegra

Thank you! Wich one would you recommend for a small eshop?

wassimbj profile image
Wassim Ben Jdida

for a small eshop you can go with digital ocean its great, and in the future when you start getting more traffic and orders you can easily switch to aws.