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Hot weather safety tips for pets

When it comes to pet care in hot weather, well, keeping them hydrated is key. Always make sure that you provide your furry friends with plenty of fresh, clean water no matter whether they’re out on walks, in the garden, or at home so that they can drink whenever they need it. Also, do not forget to encourage your pets to drink more water to prevent dehydration during hot weather.
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Pet care in hot weather and things you need to know
It’s no doubt that summer is a very good time for us and our furry friends to frolic and enjoy fun outdoors. But summer also comes with hot temperatures and burning heat that can pose different health risks to pets. In summer, it’s so crucial to take more caution to pets and better take care of them to make sure our beloved furry friends are cool and safe even during very hot days of summer. So, what do we do to give them better pet care in hot weather? Following are basic but important things that you should know.

In summer, it’s so crucial to take more caution to pets and better take care of them
Pet check
During summer days, you and your furry friends spend more time outside than usual, right? So, it’s essential to take your pet to see a veterinarian and get a full check-up prior to dog days of summer. You need to make sure that he/she gets tested for heartworm as well as has a flea and tick protection plan. Well, though these are year-round issues, it appears much more important to monitor them during summertime when the temperature can rise so high.
Always keep a close eye on your pet
Unlike humans, our pets can release heat just through their paw pads and by panting. That’s why it’s said that pets have a more limited ability to deal with heat compared to us. So, when we feel hot, our pets are definitely hot. That is the reason why we need to pay extra attention to our furry friends as well as give them better pet care in hot weather.
During the hottest hours of the day, do not let your pets run around outside. Also, never leave them alone in the car on hot summer days. Please never doing so!
It’s also worth noting that ones with short noses or with flat faces like Pugs, Bulldogs, Persian cats, etc can’t pant as effectively as other dogs and cats. That makes them more susceptible to heatstroke. In addition, overweight, elderly pets, and animals with lung and heart diseases also need more attention and extra care.

Always make sure that you provide your furry friends with plenty of fresh, clean water
Know the symptoms of overheating
Knowing signs of overheating in your pets is so important. These signs include difficulty breathing or excessive panting, increased heart and respiratory rate, increased salivation, mild weakness, or even collapse, vomiting, ... If left unchecked, then the situation will get a lot worse.
Other pet care in hot weather tips
Together with the all things listed above, there are many other good practices that you should follow to better take care of your pets in hot weather. Following are more tips for you:

  • Be sure that your pets have shady spots to sit in when you bring them outside.
  • It's okay to groom longer hair and regularly brush the hair of your pets but make sure that you do not shave them.
  • Keep an eye on their paws and be mindful of hot pavement since it can burn your pet's paws.
  • ... Roundup These are a few basic pet care in hot weather tips that we want to share with you via this post. Hope that you found them useful. Don't forget to get advice from your vet about how to take care of your furry friends so that you will know how to take care of them the best way. Source:

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