DEV Community

Discussion on: Does functional programming have any advantage in real environments?

webbureaucrat profile image

I'm going to plug my own stuff here--I wrote a deep-dive series on functional monads in (primarily) object-oriented languages.

I wrote one on replacing nulls which is sort of similar to the null-object design pattern in object orientation and another brief one on extending that functionality to list processing with missing data.

But if you read any of them you should read Safer Data Parsing with Try Monads in which I argue that runtime exceptions are always entirely avoidable because you can chose to wrap all unsafe data in try monads which in effect causes the type system to enforce try/catch behavior to define all possible code paths.

I don't just want to plug my site for its own sake but because these are all libraries I've written for work and use on the regular, and they make my life so much easier.