DEV Community

Discussion on: Create a simple calculator using HTML, CSS and Javascript

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi

imho, no beginner should ever prefer <div class="button"></div> over <button></button> ... ever!

ibesarah profile image

yea, of course.

bkilinc profile image

this isn't a form button, name could be "calcButton" etc.

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi

This is button, with all accessibility concerns a button should have. A button exists with or without a form, and in this case it's the right tool for the job. With a form, it could work even without JS, by submitting value click after click.

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bkilinc profile image

Mostly, you are right. But a button may render differently accross browsers, needs reseting etc. May be, it is too much for a beginners article. I am not an advocate. Just exploring after a while.

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webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi

A beginner should never ditch accessibility for layout that can be easily fixed ... layout is easy to fix, broken accessibility is a barrier.