How to give people reasons to join your (developer) community? Last Thursday we had the pleasure of welcoming Emily Omier to our devrellers community and meetup, to explore this and other community and devrel related questions with us. We recorded our meetup and you can find a link to the webcast and transcript here.
In her talk, Emily explained how you can make your community impactful and loved by your members, by understanding and meeting their needs.
People join and value communities that provide them with opportunities to develop their skills and careers; to explore and solve shared challenges together in an inclusive and safe space; to stay up to date with the latest; to influence the direction of a technology, an idea, or of your project / product vision; to provide mentorship or be mentored; or be recognised as an expert... In essence, your community will thrive only if it meets these multifaceted needs, and this requires careful crafting of your community's positioning first, and of an aligned content and community strategy that is designed to help your members achieve their goals.
Missed it? We recorded Emily's talk and Q&A as a webcast!
Of course Emily explained all of the above much more eloquent than I can, so if you are interested in this topic and missed our meetup, then do check out our recording of Emily's talk and follow on Q&A or read Emily's blog post on this topic.
📺 Webcast and transcript - Giving People Reasons To Join Your Community
📝 Blog Post - Why People Join Communities?
Need help positioning your OS Project, Product or Community?
Get in touch with Emily here.
Ready to grow engagement and adoption for your developer-first products?
Get in touch with our community sponsors DEVRELLA, who help developer-first startups grow adoption and love for their solutions and brand.
Additional resources mentioned during our devrellers meetup:
- Emily Omier's Positioning Canvas
- DevRelCon
- Devrellers Community and Meetup
- Devrellers LinkedIn Community
- DevRel Collective on Slack
- DevrelX slack community
- Dublin Devrel Meetup
❤️ A big thanks to all the wonderful contributors to our meetup
A big thanks to Emily Omier for sharing her insights,Richard Rodger and @grahamthedev for helping with our Q&A, and to all attendees — both in-person and online - for contributing their thoughts and questions, including @suzeshardlow @andypiper Sarah Clark, @nikitakoselev @matthewrevell Manuela Maranhão and Peter B. Maraczi. We're also grateful to our sponsors #DevRelCon & Hoopy for hosting us and to DEVRELLA for organising and curating our meetup and for sponsoring our AV/recording.
🔼 If I've overlooked anyone who contributed, please do give them a special mention in the thread below !
Join us next time!
If you like to come along next time, as a speaker, panel host or attendee, check out our meetup pages for upcoming events or contact me (@wendydevolder) here on or on linkedin!
Looking forward to meeting you sometime soon!
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