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Discussion on: Web3 Tutorial: build DApp with Web3-React and SWR

wenthebondsfail profile image

Hi fangjun,

Thanks a lot for the detailed tutorial. It finally allowed me to do some progress in my DApp after spending hours trying to deal with truffle suite dependencies and errors. I managed to successfully follow all steps and what I have learned is very useful for what I am currently working with. I still am struggling with a point however, that this tutorial did not address: how can I retrieve the values of functions that are public view on Solidity? For example if I am doing a simple storage DApp like the one given in Remix as an example:

contract Storage {
uint256 number;
function store(uint256 num) public {
number = num;
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
return number;

where my intent is to fill a number in a form and click a button and have this number shown to me. How can I accomplish that? I have tried multiple alternatives but nothing works. Could you please address this case in the next tutorial?

Thank you

yakult profile image

a quick reply:

using ethers.js to call contract.retrieve()

value = await contract.retrieve()

wenthebondsfail profile image
ThetaKing • Edited

Thanks for the reply. I tried but it still fails to show the value. I want to avoid turning your article into a stackoverflow thread, but would you be able to point what is missing here? The storage function works and I can verify that the contract has stored the number using Remix IDE. I don't get any error, but {Retrieve} comes out blank. Thanks

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
import {Contract} from "@ethersproject/contracts";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { parseEther}from "@ethersproject/units"
import { Button, Input , NumberInput, NumberInputField, FormControl, FormLabel } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import {STORAGE} from "abi/STORAGE"
import Web3 from "web3"

const web3 = new Web3("localhost:8545")

interface Props {
numberStored: string
addressContract: string

export default function StoringNumber(props:Props){

const addressContract = props.addressContract
const numberStored = props.numberStored
const [toAddress, setToAddress]=useState("")
const [amount,setAmount]=useState('0.00001')

const [number, setNewNumber] = useState();
const { account, active, library} = useWeb3React()

async function Store(event:React.FormEvent) {
if(!(active && account && library)) return
const storing = new Contract(addressContract, STORAGE, library.getSigner());'error', console.error)

async function Retrieve(event:React.FormEvent) {
const retrieving = new ethers.Contract(addressContract, STORAGE)
await retrieving.retrieve()

const handleChange = (value:string) => setAmount(value)

return (

//storing form erased to save space

    <form onSubmit={Retrieve}>
      <FormLabel htmlFor='amount'>Number that was stored: {Retrieve}</FormLabel>
        <NumberInput defaultValue={Retrieve} min={0} max={1000} onChange={handleChange}>
          <NumberInputField />
        <Button type="submit">Retrieve</Button>
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yakult profile image

you can console.log to see the output:

add a line :
console.log(await retrieving.retrieve())

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wenthebondsfail profile image

Oh I see. It is giving me:

"Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: [object Promise]). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."

will try to find out what can be done (if you know and can answer, will be very grateful). Thanks a lot!

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yakult profile image
fangjun • Edited

good direction.

a suggestion: try to decouple two kind of jobs

  • interact with smart contract (just as a traditional restful API) to get/set data correctly
  • render react page and components with data