DEV Community

Discussion on: Reusable Code with "this" Keyword

willsmart profile image
willsmart • Edited

This kind of encapsulation is a great idea, but I strongly suggest getting an IDE setup that can tell you what type this has at the time you use it. I think it's one of the best reasons to use Typescript.

For example, in

function foo() { = 'bob';
  const dog = {
    name: 'fluffy',
    fullName: `sir ${}`,
    sayName: () => { spawn('say', []) },
    sendName: function() { send( }
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it's pretty easy to accidentally miss that only name and sendName use the dog's name. both fullName and sayName will use "bob"

As you say, the reasons for this are a little out of scope, but getting a good IDE setup will catch this bug just as well as knowing why it happens, and is a must if you're going to use this in JS imo.

VSCode with Typescript (or just a good JS type inference setup) will put nice big red squigglies under the dodgy bits.