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Willy Douhard
Willy Douhard

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How to deploy your ChatGPT-like app with Chainlit and

🔗💡Chainlit is an open-source Python package that allows you to create ChatGPT-like UIs on top of any Python code in just minutes! Visit the GitHub repo to get started!

This post is designed to guide you through deploying your Chainlit apps to

Fly is an excellent choice for two reasons:

  1. 💸 It offers a free plan
  2. ✨ It's super easy

In this tutorial, we'll be using this simple example from the Chainlit cookbook repo. Feel free to use your own application instead.


  • Python >= 3.8
  • A account

Step 1: Install the Fly CLI 🚀

The Fly CLI enables you to deploy your app with just a couple of command lines! First, you'll need to install it.

For mac users, run:

brew install flyctl
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For other operating systems, refer to Fly's detailed guide on how to install here.

Step 2: Login to Fly 🔒

After installing the CLI, you will first need to signup:

flyctl auth signup
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Then run:

flyctl auth login
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Step 3: Run your Chainlit app locally 🏠

Before deploying, it's a good idea to make sure your application runs locally without any problems.

If you don't have a Chainlit app ready, clone our example from the cookbook:

git clone chainlit-cookbook
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Then, navigate to the app folder:

cd chainlit-cookbook/fly-io-deployment
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Finally, run chainlit run If you're using your own application, replace with the appropriate file.

You should see the application up and running:

App running

Step 4: Add Procfile and requirements.txt 📄

A Procfile is a way to declare how to start your application. The cookbook example app we're using already includes one. If you're running your own application, create a Procfile at the root of your project with the following content:

web: python -m chainlit run -h --port 8080
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If you're using your own application, replace with the appropriate file

A requirement.txt file lists all the Python dependencies of your app. Again, the cookbook example already has one. If you are deploying your own app make sure to create one. If any dependency is missing, the deployment will fail!

Step 5: Create the Fly project 🎉

We're almost ready to deploy!

Although you will be using Fly's free plan, you still need to provide a payment method (you will not be charged) on the Fly website before deploying your application.

Add payment method

Once the payment method is setup, we need to create the Fly project that will host our app. To do that, run:

flyctl launch
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You’ll be prompted with several questions. Answer NO to all of them ✋. Here's a screenshot of my setup:

flyctl launch output

Take note of the Hostname, which is the URL your app will be deployed to.

Step 6: Deploy! 🚢

The final (and easiest) step! Run:

flyctl deploy
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Once the deployment finished, you have to run one final command:

flyctl scale count 1
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The reason for that is that Fly does not support sticky Websocket sessions out of the box, meaning that scaling to multiple machine will prevent your Chainlit app to work.

If you need features like autoscaling, I advise you to deploy your app on AWS ECS or GCP, with an Application Load Balancer that support sticky sessions.

🎊 And voilà! Your app is available at the Hostname provided in the previous step. 🎊 In my case:

Fly demo


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know in the comments below, or feel free to get in touch on Discord!

Top comments (2)

talhaty profile image

i followed all the steps and after deploying successfully, i still cannot access the link. In the monitoring section i am getting an error message: instance refused connection. is your app listening on make sure it is not only listening on (hint: look at your startup logs, servers often print the address they are listening on)

My machine is also in suspended state

mangoholi profile image

i think we miss some steps here. For my own app, i follow the whole instructions in chainlit cookbook and have that
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: app does not have a Dockerfile or buildpacks configured. See