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Raymond Agholor™
Raymond Agholor™

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How to create a Web App on Azure App Service.

Microsoft Azure is an Infrastructure as a service (Iaas) and Platform as a service(Paas) of Microsoft.

This platform allows for cloud computing services. Cloud computing makes it possible to deliver computing capabilities over the internet. The internet is conventionally referred to as the cloud in this context. This setup enables faster innovation, flexible resources and Economies of scale.
Another useful term to note is the word tenant, which refers to as the users of the Microsoft cloud service- think of it as Microsoft being the Landlord, and the users being the tenant. Microsoft own the resources, the users, make use of the resources to accomplish their computing goals.

Microsoft provides cloud services in three (3) ways.

Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas): This is fully managed by Microsoft, and it’s tenant can rent servers, virtual Machines, storage, network and even operating systems. The most important thing to note here is you manage you are responsible for managing your resources. When moving to the cloud, you need all the resources needed to replicate what you have in your on-premise settings, so Microsoft provides all these resources, you can then subscribe to using these resources as you so wish.

Platform as a Service (Paas): Microsoft provides the tools for building, testing, and deploying software apps without focusing on managing underlying infrastructure. Key point here, Microsoft manages the resources.

Software as a Service (Saas): Tenants connect to and use cloud based apps over the internet.
In this simple work through we would be creating a Web App on the Microsoft Azure platform. The Azure platform has numerous features but first thing is to create a Microsoft account, once your account is available you would have to login into azure.

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Azure portal

NOTE: For full access to the platform a premium account is required, but Microsoft offers a free account so new users can have access to the platform.

Once access is granted, you should see something similar to

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Azure Home pagethe recent resources can be ignored, these are resources I have created before now, and over time yours would display whatsoever resource you create.

Next step is to select the

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Create Resource page: do not forget we want to create a web app utilizing Azure app service.

It is worthy to note that Azure App Service is an HTTP-based service for hosting web apps, REST APIs, and mobile backends, and this helps us run and scale our apps without having to bother about cloud or Operating system infrastructure.

You should see some resources that you can work with on the azure platform but for our case, we would navigate to

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create app and then click on create, which would take us to

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Create Web App.

A page displayed should be seen

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Azure app page

The subscription section of the form could be the access from your organization or just like in my case a free Azure pass.

The Resource Group of the page might sound awkward to you, but a resource group is a container that manages and arranges resources in a single unit. Your resources could be storage, Virtual machines, networks, etc. that you are purchasing from Microsoft.

Now select a unique name for your Resource Group

The instance Details should also contain peculiar details related to specifications on the resource you want to have.

The SKU and size of any resource you would be getting is dependent on pricing; Microsoft makes this easy to determine because different price options are available which is equivalent to the selected resource.

You can now click on Review + Create.

Hold whilst Microsoft review your selections, and a page like this should be available.

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Our web app has been successfully deployed and ready for use, you can click on Go to Resource.

Just at the left hand of the portal

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In the Azure side bar are different actions we could carry out to upscale, and manage our web app to meet organization specified requirement and use.

An amazing feature of using Microsoft Azure is that it gives us a Real-time breakdown, the performance and security of our app.

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App insight

App performance is a crucial part of business as any negligence can result in loss of customers, money to the organization, and cost in avoidable situations.

The Diagnose and solve problems on the Azure platform provides you with the health of your resource and also provides solutions to be taken at every point in time.

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App Health

And that's it, a simple walk through on how to create an app service on Azure. Feel free to leave a comment.

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