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Discussion on: A beginners guide to gRPC with Rust

wotzhs profile image
Sean Wong

Thanks Anshul, I have been looking at different gRPC crates and I think another way that to not use the cargo run --bin server is to use the statically generated code from protoc --rust_out and use them to build the grpc server manually.

Particularly I found

I understood completely that this article was meant to demonstrate the dynamically genarated grpc server & client, so I hope this comment is not to be taken in the wrong light.

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anshulgoyal15 profile image
Anshul Goyal

Hi, Sean I always like to generate stubs at build time. It allows us to maintain a sync between protocol buffer definations and stubs. I think it is best practice to not to generate stubs before hand.

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wotzhs profile image
Sean Wong

yup, agreed, generating stub at build time guarantees the latest protobuf code, that's my preference too.