What’s the most valuable and indispensable section of a website? Is it the Contact Page- a huge must have? No, Absolutely not. It's the most overlooked and often forgotten Frequently asked questions or FAQ section. It is a crucial feature that doesn’t featured and quite different from the “About us” page section that narrates a story about the organization.
When visitors visit your website, the products, and services that you offer often intrigue them. On a quest to find answers and information about your product, they end up hovering over the FAQ section.
So FAQ is the first step towards finding the answers before they go ahead and decide to reach out to you.
This part of the page is highly specific and is the place where potential customers receive valuable information about the product’s specificities.
FAQ is a living and breathing public forum that needs to be updated regularly. A broad topic deserves a separate section and must include elements like payments, shipments, and returns. Make sure to include relevant and current information after reflecting customers’ issues and respond with supportive answers eventually.
Why should FAQ be the Most Wanted Section of your Web Page?
A “Time” Savior
A well-articulated and organized FAQ page acts a reference site for customer exploration. It presents answers to repeatedly asked important questions by the customers, otherwise asked in a more one on one manner. It will save a great deal amount of time by doing the nitty-gritty talk regarding the operational details of your company. In other words, A FAQ is a text-based virtual assistant that responds to your customers.
Projects Professionalism
An FAQ page is a perfect place to showcase your professionalism. Through this section, your business sounds legit and well established to attract visitors and possibly converting them as your customers.
Builds Trustworthiness
It’s natural for a customer to be hesitant while trying your products and services. And a good FAQ page bridges the gap between the company and the customers. It reaches out to the customers, creates a connection based on trust, and establishes your legitimacy by openly sharing your business adequacies. This enables customers to have a transparent relationship and manage their expectations right from the beginning. The page instills confidence in customers to pursue your offered goods and services time and again.
An excellent SEO tool
FAQ pages can act as a great SEO tool. A well-crafted FAQ page consists of great content with relevant keywords and information.
By incorporating keywords in questions and answers on your FAQ page, your website can be optimized for the search engine. It not only increases online sales but also establishes a well-ranked position in search results.
This page can be an integral part of site navigation when each query is hyperlinked to the relevant service, product or website. This allows redirecting of customers to relevant content.
When each query is hyperlinked to a different and separate page, each answer is brought up through Google and site’s search. Even when they are searching for topics unrelated to your brand or service, they might be hunting for answers related to your domain via google. This helps your company to be found if it already has a good landing page that is “query” optimized. So make sure your FAQ page is SEO’ed.
Turn your Negatives into Positives
Apart from showcasing your products and services in your FAQs and increasing revenues by answering the “selling points” questions. You can also use negative queries to your company’s advantage. If you find customers asking negative questions then educate them by highlighting the value, features, and benefits of your products and services. Brag about your company in a non-obvious and yet humble way and let your customers make informed decisions. Always keep your business afloat by FAQs.
FAQs Can Get you “Zero”-ed using Featured Snippets
Google generates rich data results as detailed fragments a.ka. Featured snippets located above the fold, at the “Zero position” (before rank #1). Google answers user’s query before going through search results. It pulls up the best answers after it scans through page #1 to #10. This gives a chance for pages that are not ranked at #1 to be on the featured snippet.
Google uses a special algorithm different from SEO to analyze the content of your page. It’s easier when the results are not mixed with metaphors and humor. One way to do help Google is through FAQs. By formulating traditional questions, it can be enlisted as featured snippets (Paragraph, list or Table) or as “People also ask “. So frame FAQs your appropriately and respectively.
Why does your Website need FAQ Page?
How to Create FAQ Page in WordPress
No matter what’s your motive behind your creation of FAQ page, A FAQ created with the help of WordPress takes you a long way. Adding this “invaluable asset” part of the page is very easy.
You can go either way, add a basic page or create an elaborate page with the help of a WordPress FAQ plugin. The basic page approach would include the creation of a page or in WordPress and list all the FAQs in it. If you have only a bunch of items, then this approach is apt for you.
On the other hand, if you want an FAQ that is more elaborative then try using WPWorx FAQ plugin.
A Plugin to Make it Happen
WPWorx has come up with an easy to install Worx FAQ plugin. This plugin allows you to create, add and remove FAQs as per your needs at any time. It uses the Shortcodes and enables the addition of FAQ on pages, post and widgets and publish through the admin panel seamlessly. Each and every element of FAQs can style and customized as per the user’s choice.
General Features of WPWorx FAQ
• SEO friendly
• Customization and Addition of multiple FAQs
• Custom post friendly
• Uses [worxfaq] Shortcodes to show all the FAQs at once.
• Easy navigation with jQuery toggle or accordion display.
• Shortcodes are usable on post, page or widgets to display FAQ
• Shows FAQs by Category name
• One can add a category or assign a category to the FAQ questions allowing reuse of questions in arranged categories
Creating FAQ with WPWorx FAQ Plugin
Now let’s get to straight to the “creation” part of it.
Adding a Question or FAQ...
To add the question from the FAQ, click on “Add New”. Upon clicking, a form with two boxes “Title” and “Description” will be opened. Under the title, you can add a title to the question and answer in the description box respectively.
Creating WPWorx FAQ Categories...
On the right side of the panel, one can find an option for creating FAQ categories. This option can be used for assigning the question to these categories.
Click on ‘Add New WPworx FAQ Category’, to create a new FAQ category.
To display FAQs in the specified groups, just check the checkbox to assign an FAQ question to the group.
The latest category comes with three components: a Name, a Slug for URL display and a Description.
Adding FAQs to a Webpage...
To view the Shortcodes, Click on the WPWorx categories section if you have already finished adding the FAQs. Now copy the Shortcodes of the category that you like and add it to your webpage.
The Verdict
The creation of “FAQ” page need not be seen as a boring task after knowing its value and importance in a Web page. With the help WordPress FAQ plugin, not only can you create FAQs with ease but elaborately with the great user interface. FAQ section is not just reference site for information but also a revenue-generating and sales driving section. So do not miss out on building a creative one that enhances user experience.
Wordpress, FAQ Page, FAQ Plugin, FAQ, WordPress FAQ Plugin, SEO
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