DEV Community

Discussion on: Running NestJS on Docker is Really Easy with Kool

wsh4and profile image
Eko Andri Subarnanto

Wow, awesome.

  1. Is the database persistent?
  2. Is the our codebase in volume path, I mean whatever I change in my code reflected immediately in the browser?
fabriciojs profile image
Fabrício José Souza • Edited

Yes the database will be persisted due to unnamed volume. In case you want to ever wipe out the persisted volumes you can do kool stop —purge

Now about the code base, yes that is precisely correct! The code is mapped to the container , so when you have changes the container is aware.

wsh4and profile image
Eko Andri Subarnanto

Niiiice, will try this out.

Will you post about deploying to a server with kool? Is it possible to just run the same command with PROD ENV?