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Discussion on: Changing Ruby classes at runtime with class_eval

wulymammoth profile image

Nice post, Vini!

I've only used it once before a long time ago, to open up a class that didn't belong to me with an extension (at runtime). I generally avoid meta-programming in Ruby. It's sort of the source of "Rails magic" as some people like to call it. It does make things a lot more elegant. However, I do a ton of it in my own code in Elixir, though.

I've bookmarked this as reference should I ever reach for it again in Ruby. I've learned a couple of neat things from your post. Thank you!

Also, I know that @tenderlove just joined you guys. Have you had a chance to work with him?

vinistock profile image
Vinicius Stock

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad the post taught you something. I find Elixir to be super interesting, but didn't get my hands dirty with it yet.

Yes, he did join us, but we are in different teams so I haven't had the chance yet.