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Discussion on: Hating windows won't make you cool

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In my opinion, every operating system has it's drawbacks. I've been a .NET developer for quite some time now. I have always liked the .NET environment and until the release of VSCode, development in Linux was harder to do. With the recent changes to Windows 10 after Update 1809, Microsoft has made it their mission to follow in Apple's footsteps and almost completely require you to use their Microsoft account and track your movements on the Windows OS. I have been able to circumvent the requirement but it is getting more and more tedious, even when doing fresh installs of the latest Windows 10 pro ISO you have to sign in with a Microsoft account, then manually create a local account to remove the Microsoft account.

I have actually done the full transition over to Linux for development as of the release of .NET 5 and honestly have not regretted it. I use ZorinOS as my daily development operating system and really like their implementation and support of WINE when I need specific Windows applications running on the Linux environment. For gaming I have a dual booted OS with windows 10 for anything that strictly requires Windows.

Of course hating on Windows doesn't make you 'Cool.' But most of us who have started to have a disdain for Microsoft has come in the recent years with some of their needless directions they decide to take. Like taking codebase from an existing project and rebranding it as their own for example: . Resulting in subpar implementation of an already beloved piece of software.

Everyone is going to search for the distro that best suits their needs. I don't believe there will ever be a single distro that covers all grounds. Which is why I personally dual boot my machine to get the best of both environments. Gaming on windows only, everything else (for security reasons) on Linux. If the price of the windows operating system is out of the question, that is a whole other challenge to solve.

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