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Cover image for πŸ“ˆ Boosting Developer Mojo: Why I Prefer Linux (NixOS), Terminal, and Modal Text Editors + LSPπŸš€

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πŸ“ˆ Boosting Developer Mojo: Why I Prefer Linux (NixOS), Terminal, and Modal Text Editors + LSPπŸš€

Hey there, fellow developers! πŸ–₯️ In today's tech-savvy world, we're constantly on the lookout for tools and setups that can supercharge our coding experience. So, let me take you on a journey through my recent quest to boost my developer mojo by embracing Linux (specifically NixOS), terminal wizardry, modal text editors, and the power of Language Server Protocol (LSP). 🌟

My journey started with the Helix Editor πŸŒ€, a fantastic Rust-based tool that caught my attention as a Rust developer. The allure of modal editors, which focus on using hotkeys and keyboard-centric navigation, beckoned me further. I experimented with Neovim and Helix on my Windows machine, but ultimately, Helix won my heart. πŸ’–

Throughout this adventure, I fell in love with the concept of using hotkeys, embracing the command-line shell (on Windows, I even used Nushell, another Rust gem), and relying primarily on my keyboard for coding operations. 🎹

But that was just the beginning! πŸš€ I ventured into the world of Tiling Window Managers for Linux and discovered the wonders of modal browsers like qutebrowser. My toolbox grew with powerful Linux utilities: grep, curl, sed, cloc, wrk, tldr, and their Rust-powered counterparts like ripgrep, xh, sd, tokei, rewrk, tealdeer, and many more.

The result? πŸ› οΈ I embarked on a path to create a keyboard-centric system that would turbocharge my workflow, making me more productive than ever.

Is it worth it, you ask? Absolutely! Before, I was accustomed to using heavyweight IDEs like Visual Studio and JetBrains IDE, even Visual Studio Code. The key advantages that swayed me toward my current setup were:

✨ Lightning-fast system load times compared to IDEs
✨ System resource lightness
✨ Muscle memory-friendly keyboard-centric navigation
✨ Modular and extensible through Linux utilities

Comparing my path with the traditional IDE route:

Advantages of my path:
🌐 Free and open-source
πŸš€ Productivity-enhancing muscle memory
🧩 Customization and extensions galore

Disadvantages of my path:
🀯 Challenging and time-consuming
❌ May not suit every developer
🧱 Not always as stable as traditional IDEs

Advantages of IDEs:
βœ… Generally easy to use
βœ… Out-of-the-box functionality
βœ… Productive, with minimal setup

Disadvantages of IDEs:
πŸ’Ό Resource-hungry and slower load times
πŸ’° Often comes with a price tag

In conclusion, if you're a newcomer or prefer a straightforward coding experience, IDEs or Visual Studio Code might be your best bet. But if you're a quick learner who relishes challenges and craves customization, my path could be your coding nirvana. πŸ”οΈ

Ready to embrace the power of the shell and a keyboard-centric operating system? If you're interested in setting up your own system like mine, check out my complete configuration on GitHub: github-link-to-dotfiles πŸš€


Empty Screen

Busy Screen

File Managers

I'd love to hear about the tools you use in your development journey. Feel free to drop a comment with your questions or share your preferences. If you're curious about why I chose NixOS, Hyprland, Fish, Wezterm, Starship, or any other tool in my setup, let me know, and I'll whip up another post to satisfy your curiosity! πŸ› οΈπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

My Socials:
LinkedIn: πŸ”—
GitHub: πŸ™

Thank you for reading! Have a great day! 😊🌟

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