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Yadunandan Bhat
Yadunandan Bhat

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How to install and setup GitHub CLI

You know how painful it is to switch from terminal to browser, then again to the terminal while working with git repositories right? Then worry not, because GitHub CLI brings GitHub to your terminal.

GitHub has finally introduced its own command-line tool that brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code. To quote GitHub it "reduces context switching, helps you focus, and enables you to more easily script and create your own workflows". Pretty cool right?

This post explains the installation and the setting-up of the GitHub CLI, hereby referred to as 'gh'.



gh can be installed on Windows using scoop or chocolatey package managers.


scoop bucket add github-gh
scoop install gh
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choco install gh
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macOS users can use either Homebrew or MacPorts to install gh.


brew install gh
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sudo port install gh
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sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh
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sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf install gh
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sudo pacman -S github-cli
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There are more distro-specific installation instructions here. Windows and macOS users can install using MSIs and downloadable binaries available on their releases page.

Setting up

After the installation, running any command will prompt you to login to GitHub.

October 20 - 21-11-13.png

Run 'gh auth login' to authenticate your GitHub account. It'll ask you to select the account type, either a normal account or an enterprise one. I'll select the normal account.

October 20 - 21-13-28.png

Then it'll ask you to select your preferred authentication method. You can choose to authenticate using your browser or using the GitHub authentication token. I'll select the browser method.

October 20 - 21-13-51.png

Then it'll display a one-time code, you should copy it or write it down.

October 20 - 22-10-21.png

And then pressing enter will open the browser. You should enter the one-time code here.

October 20 - 21-16-16.png

Then click on "Authorize github" to complete the authentication. You can safely close the browser now.

October 20 - 21-17-08.png

Now it'll ask you to select the default git protocol. You can select HTTPS or SSH. I'll be selecting SSH because I've already made an SSH key, and it's easy cloning and pushing to the repo using SSH.

October 20 - 21-18-44.png

October 20 - 21-19-16.png

Aaaand that's it. You've successfully installed and set up the GitHub CLI.
I'm also planning a post explaining all the gh commands and how to use it, so be on the lookout for that.

Latest comments (2)

nthdat profile image
nthdat • Edited

Nice wallpaper!
That terminal opacity is dope!

yadunandanbhat profile image
Yadunandan Bhat

Thanks! I'm using compton for the transparency!