Set of Extensions and Custom control for standard types and classes.
Just like Doraemon’s pocket, has an endless variety of props for us to use.
English | 简体中文
- [x] OpenCV: Hough correction, feature extraction, image processing package, morphological processing, filter processing, photo restoration, etc.
- [x] NSArray: Related processing of the elements in the array, etc.
- [x] NSDate: Time transformation, etc.
- [x] UIButton: Emitter animation, image and text mixing, click event encapsulation, expanded click field, time interval limit, countdown, click particle effect, etc.
- [x] UIView: Gesture package, rounded corner gradient, Xib attribute, basic animation package, etc.
- [x] UITextView: Expand the input box, limit the number of words, cancel processing, get the internal hyperlink of the text, etc.
- [x] UITextField: Placeholder color, line, graphic processing, etc.
- [x] UILabel: Rich text, fast display text position, etc.
- [x] UIImage: Screenshot and cropping, image compression, mask processing, image stitching, image size processing, filter rendering, flooding algorithm, etc.
- [x] UIImage: QR code, barcode generation, dynamic image playback, watermark processing, etc.
- [x] NSObject: GCD, asynchronous timer, resident thread, thread keep alive, runtime methods, etc.
- [x] NSString: Hash crypto, mathematical operators, unit conversion, etc.
- [x] Other: Gradient slider, Open screen particle animation, projection and shadow, etc.
Encapsulation exception Handling KJExceptionDemo
Quick creation of chained UI controls ChainThen
Catalogue list
- OpenCV
- NSArray
- NSDate
- NSDictionary
- NSObject
- NSString
- UIButton
- UIColor
- UIDevice
- UIImage
- UILabel
- UISlider
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UIView
- UIViewController
Methods and Functions
- Opencv picture processing.
Name | Signatures |
Picture Tile | kj_opencvTiledRows:cols: |
Four-point perspective image based on perspective | kj_opencvWarpPerspectiveWithKnownPoints:size: |
Eliminate image highlights | kj_opencvIlluminationChangeBeta:alpha: |
Picture Blending | kj_opencvBlendImage:alpha: |
Adjust picture brightness and contrast | kj_opencvChangeContrast:luminance: |
Modify the color of the picture channel value | kj_opencvChangeR:g:b: |
Blur processing | kj_opencvBlurX:y: |
Gaussian Blur | kj_opencvGaussianBlurX:y: |
Median Blur | kj_opencvMedianBlurksize: |
Gaussian Bilateral Blur | kj_opencvBilateralFilterBlurRadio:sigma: |
Custom linear blur | kj_opencvCustomBlurksize: |
Morphology operations | kj_opencvMorphology:element: |
Remove watermark | kj_opencvInpaintImage: |
Picture repair, effect enhancement processing | kj_opencvRepairImage |
Cut out the largest inner rectangular area | kj_opencvCutMaxRegionImage |
Feature extraction | kj_opencvFeatureExtractionFromSobel |
Hough line judgment and correction | kj_opencvHoughLinesCorrectTextImageFillColor: |
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- Related processing of the elements in the array.
Name | Signatures |
Is it empty | isEmpty |
Filter data | kj_detectArray: |
Multidimensional array data | kj_detectManyDimensionArray: |
Search data | kj_searchObject: |
Map | kj_mapArray: |
Insert data to the destination | kj_insertObject: |
Array calculation intersection | kj_arrayIntersectionWithOtherArray: |
Array calculation difference | kj_arrayMinusWithOtherArray: |
Randomly Disorganize Array | kj_disorganizeArray |
Delete the same element in the array | kj_delArrayEquelObj |
Binary Search | kj_binarySearchTarget: |
Bubble Sort | kj_bubbleSort |
Insert Sort | kj_insertSort |
Selection Sort | kj_selectionSort |
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- Time transformation.
Name | Signatures |
Convert date to local time | kj_localeDate |
Time string conversion NSDate | kj_dateFromString: |
Time string to NSDate | kj_dateFromString:format: |
Get the current timestamp | kj_currentTimetampWithMsec: |
Timestamp to time | kj_timeWithTimestamp:format: |
Get the UTC timestamp of the specified time | kj_timeStampUTCWithTimeString: |
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- Dictionary common methods.
Name | Signatures |
Is it empty | isEmpty |
Convert to Josn String | jsonString |
Whether to include a key | kj_containsKey: |
Dictionary keys in ascending order | kj_keysSorted |
Dictionary key name descending order | kj_keySortDescending |
Quickly traverse the dictionary | kj_applyDictionaryValue: |
Mapping | kj_mapDictionary: |
Merge | kj_mergeDictionary: |
Selector | kj_pickForKeys: |
Remover | kj_omitForKeys: |
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- Advanced Edition Rounded Corners and Border Extension.
Name | Signatures |
Bezier Fillet | bezierRadius |
Shadow Offset | shadowOffset |
Shadow Opacity | shadowOpacity |
Shadow Width | shadowWidth |
Shadow rounded corners | shadowRadius |
Shadow Color | shadowColor |
Corner Radius | cornerRadius |
Border Width | borderWidth |
Border Color | borderColor |
Image properties | viewImage |
Top Controller | topViewController |
Current Controller | viewController |
Current Controller | kj_currentViewController |
View created by Xib | kj_viewFromXib |
View created by Xib | kj_viewFromXibWithFrame: |
Fillet radius | kj_radius |
Rounded corner orientation | kj_rectCorner |
Border Color | kj_borderColor |
Border width | kj_borderWidth |
Border Orientation | kj_borderOrientation |
Size | size |
Location | origin |
x coordinate | x |
y coordinate | y |
Width | width |
Height | height |
Center point x | centerX |
Center point y | centerY |
Left distance | left |
Right distance | right |
Top distance | top |
Bottom distance | bottom |
x + width | maxX |
y + height | Property |
After Masonry layout x | masonry_x |
After Masonry layout y | masonry_y |
Masonry width after layout | masonry_width |
Masonry height after layout | masonry_height |
Center the view in its parent view | kj_centerToSuperview |
Distance from the right of the parent view | kj_rightToSuperview: |
Distance from the bottom of the parent view | kj_bottomToSuperview: |
Get the highest Y of the subview | kj_subviewMaxY |
Get the highest X of the subview | kj_subviewMaxX |
Find Subview | kj_FindSubviewRecursively: |
Remove all subviews | kj_removeAllSubviews |
Hide/Show all subviews | kj_hideSubviews:operation: |
Child controls handle gesture events | kj_childHitTest:withEvent: |
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- UITextView undo processing, equivalent to command + z, limit processing.
Name | Signatures |
Whether to enable the undo function | kOpenBackout |
Cancel input | kj_textViewBackout |
Placeholder text | placeHolder |
Placeholder Label | placeHolderLabel |
Limit word count | limitCount |
Right margin of restricted area | limitMargin |
Restricted area height | limitHeight |
Statistics limit the number of words Label | limitLabel |
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- UITextField input box extension, placeholder, quick setting account password box.
Name | Signatures |
Set the bottom border line color | bottomLineColor |
Placeholder Color | placeholderColor |
PlaceholderFontSize | placeholderFontSize |
Maximum Length | maxLength |
Clear text to dark text switch | securePasswords |
Maximum character length reached | kMaxLengthBolck |
Text editing moment callback | kTextEditingChangedBolck |
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- UILabel add long press copy function, Get text position and size.
Name | Signatures |
Can copy | copyable |
Remove copy long press gesture | kj_removeCopyLongPressGestureRecognizer |
Set the display position of the text content | customTextAlignment |
Get width | kj_calculateWidth |
Get height | kj_calculateHeightWithWidth: |
Get height, specify line height | kj_calculateHeightWithWidth:OneLineHeight: |
The text line spacing between Ranges | kj_AttributedStringTextLineSpace: |
Text size between ranges | kj_AttributedStringTextFont:Range: |
Text color between Ranges | kj_AttributedStringTextColor:Range: |
Text size and color between Ranges | kj_AttributedStringTextFont:TextColor:Range: |
Text related attributes between Ranges | kj_AttributedStringTextAttributes:Range: |
Rich text text size | kj_AttributedStringTextFont:Loc:Len: |
Rich text text color | kj_AttributedStringTextColor:Loc:Len: |
Rich text text size and color | kj_AttributedStringTextFont:TextColor:Loc:Len: |
Rich text related attributes | kj_AttributedStringTextAttributes:Loc:Len: |
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- QR code and barcode generator, image size, screenshot and crop processing, Picture cropper.
Name | Signatures |
Convert a string to a barcode | kj_barCodeImageWithContent: |
Generate QR Code | kj_QRCodeImageWithContent:codeImageSize: |
Generate QR Code with Specified Color | kj_QRCodeImageWithContent:codeImageSize:color: |
Generate barcode | kj_barcodeImageWithContent:codeImageSize: |
Generate barcode with specified color | kj_barcodeImageWithContent:codeImageSize:color: |
Change the image size, bitmap mode | kj_bitmapChangeImageSize: |
Change the internal pixel color of the image | kj_changeImagePixelColor: |
Get network image size | kj_imageSizeWithURL: |
Scale the image by scale | kj_scaleImage: |
Scale the image with a fixed width | kj_scaleWithFixedWidth: |
Scale the image with a fixed height | kj_scaleWithFixedHeight: |
Change the image size proportionally | kj_cropImageWithAnySize: |
Reduce the image size proportionally | kj_zoomImageWithMaxSize: |
Do not pull up the filling image | kj_fitImageWithSize: |
Screenshot of the current view | kj_captureScreen: |
Specified location screen capture | kj_captureScreen:Rect: |
Customized quality screenshots, quality multiples | kj_captureScreen:Rect:Quality: |
Capture the current screen | kj_captureScreenWindow |
Capture the long image of the scroll view | kj_captureScreenWithScrollView:ContentOffset: |
Cut out the transparent part around the picture | kj_cutImageRoundAlphaZero: |
Irregular graphics cutting | kj_anomalyCaptureImageWithView:BezierPath: |
Polygon Cut Image | kj_polygonCaptureImageWithImageView:PointArray: |
Specified area crop | kj_cutImageWithImage:Frame: |
quartz 2d to achieve cropping | kj_quartzCutImageWithImage:Frame: |
Image path clipping, clipping path "outside" part | kj_captureOuterImage:BezierPath:Rect: |
Image path clipping, clipping path "within" part | kj_captureInnerImage:BezierPath:Rect: |
Picture Rotation | kj_rotateInRadians: |
Specified color linear blur | kj_blurImageWithTintColor: |
Linear blur, keep transparent area | kj_linearBlurryImageBlur: |
Blur processing | kj_blurImageWithRadius:Color:MaskImage: |
Equalization calculation | kj_equalizationImage |
Erosion | kj_erodeImage |
Form expansion | kj_dilateImage |
Multiple erosion | kj_erodeImageWithIterations: |
Multiple expansion of form | kj_dilateImageWithIterations: |
Gradient | kj_gradientImageWithIterations: |
Top Hat Computing | kj_tophatImageWithIterations: |
Black Hat Computing | kj_blackhatImageWithIterations: |
Convolution processing | kj_convolutionImageWithKernel: |
Sharpen | kj_sharpenImage |
Relief | kj_embossImage |
Gauss | kj_gaussianImage |
Edge Detection | kj_marginImage |
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- UIDevice system related operations.
Name | Signatures |
App version number | appCurrentVersion |
App Name | appName |
Mobile UUID | deviceID |
Get App Icon | appIcon |
Get launch page image | launchImage |
System startup map cache path | launchImageCachePath |
Launch Image Backup File Path | launchImageBackupPath |
Generate launch image | kj_launchImageWithPortrait:Dark: |
Generate launch diagram | kj_launchImageWithStoryboard:Portrait:Dark: |
Comparison version number | kj_comparisonVersion: |
Jump to the specified URL | kj_openURL: |
Call AppStore | kj_skipToAppStoreWithAppid: |
Call the built-in browser safari | kj_skipToSafari |
Call the built-in Mail | kj_skipToMail |
Whether to switch to speaker | kj_changeLoudspeaker: |
Save to Album | kj_savedPhotosAlbumWithImage:Complete: |
System comes with sharing | kj_shareActivityWithItems:ViewController:Complete: |
Switch Root View Controller | kj_changeRootViewController:Complete: |
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- UIColor related extension.
Name | Signatures |
UIColor to hexadecimal string | kj_hexString |
Hexadecimal string to UIColor | kj_colorWithHexString: |
red | red |
green | green |
blue | blue |
alpha | alpha |
Hue | hue |
Saturation | saturation |
Brightness | light |
Get the RGBA corresponding to the color | kj_colorGetRGBA |
Get the average value of colors | kj_averageColors: |
Vertical gradient color | kj_gradientVerticalToColor:height: |
Horizontal gradient color | kj_gradientAcrossToColor:width: |
Get the color of a specified point on the image | kj_colorAtImage:Point: |
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- UIButton click event block, mixed graphics and text, enlarge click.
Name | Signatures |
Add click event | kj_addAction: |
Click Event Interval | timeInterval |
Expand the unified click field | enlargeClick |
Graphic style | layoutType |
Picture and text spacing | padding |
The spacing of the graphic borders | periphery |
Picture and text spacing | kj_contentLayout:padding: |
Picture and text spacing | kj_contentLayout:padding:periphery: |
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- Rainbow gradient color slider.
Name | Signatures |
Color array | colors |
Location information corresponding to each color | locations |
Color height | colorHeight |
Border Width | borderWidth |
Border Color | borderColor |
Callback processing time | timeSpan |
Current progress, for external kvo | progress |
Moving block | movingWithTimeSpan:withBlock: |
Moved block | moveEndBlock: |
Reset UI | updateUI |
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- Switch view controller.
Name | Signatures |
Jump back to the specified controller | kj_popTargetViewController:complete: |
Switch Root View Controller | kj_changeRootViewController: |
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CocoaPods Install
Example import core module:
- pod 'KJCategories'
Example import UIBezierPath:
- pod 'KJCategories/UIKit/UIBezierPath'
Example import NSArray:
- pod 'KJCategories/Foundation/NSArray'
Example import opencv2 picture processing:
- pod 'KJCategories/Opencv'
Example import GradientSlider:
- pod 'KJCategories/Customized/GradientSlider'
- Download demo please execute first
pod install
KJCategories is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
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