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Yordi Verkroost
Yordi Verkroost

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Why I Code

Some people write code to master a programming language or framework. They want to be the best Java, C, or Python programmer, knowing all the ins and outs of the language. They write code because they love the process. While others meditate, read, or go for a walk, they open their computers and start typing.

I'm not that kind of programmer. I never was, and probably never will be. I don't care much about the programming language I use, as long as it's easy to read and write. I have never searched for a job because the company used a certain programming language I liked. Hell, I never even started at a new job already knowing the language the company used. I don't care about getting certifications to show off my expertise. While I sometimes enjoy the flow of coding, it's not my ultimate goal.

I write code for the results it brings. I love seeing my most recently played song every time I reload my personal website. I enjoy adding functionalities that aren't natively implemented, like a search function on the Bear blogging platform. I find joy in teaching others how to code and seeing the spark in their eyes when a tough concept finally clicks.

Does this make me a non-typical programmer, someone who doesn't care much about the craft itself? Maybe. But in the long run, I don't mind. I code for my own reasons. And that's good enough.

Top comments (1)

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Often you have no chance to use the language you love, because platforms already force a language on you. Want to use an Arduino? Unless you do not want to build a new platform (which was not your intention), use C++ or nothing. Ok, the requirements on your programming skills are fairly low to get things running.

What you gain? Run a fully working computer under a versatile high level language on a hardware, that costs less than 1€.

I often was wondering that people talk about coding like a religion: "Use X, it is the only way to get the job done!". If you say: "I´m using Y", you get a lengthy answer with lots of citations telling you, that you are totally wrong. But they do not even know my task.... There is definitively a difference if you want do build a webshop or a robot.