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Day 80: Did I do anything today?

had it occurred to you that you know you were busy the whole day but you can't pinpoint what you accomplished for the day? that's what's happening to me. I know I was working for the whole day but I can't see direct progress and in this case I think I'm doing a lot of research nowadays as I'm using unfamiliar technologies I have to google everything along the way, it is slow but I think it's great for learning

So day 80 huh? what a journey! I actually took some time and went back to some of the first articles it feels like they were written by another person, I can see how much I have grown from how I used to approach tasks and blockers so this will continue.... I'm now 20 day to reach the 100days milestone let's gooo....

tomorrow I plan to clean my PR including cleaning the codebase, add proper documentation and attack the following task.
that's it for today

signing off....

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