DEV Community

Discussion on: An Effective Strategy To Learn Vue.js In Less Than Seven Days

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z2lai • Edited

Exceptional article! The best articles are the ones that provide you 10x the value you were looking for, and this is one of them. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.

My motivation for learning Vue is for trying to integrate it with an ASP.Net Core MVC application. I'm looking for a solution for managing the state and validation of a complex multi-step form with an insane amount of dynamic logic and conditional paths.

As for my conclusion on my Vue learning plan, these are the steps I've decided on after reading your article:

  1. Read Vue.js official documentation while playing around with a sample application (maybe using codesandbox):
  2. Or jump straight into the Vue Mastery subscription learning path. I chose Vue Mastery as the paid resource as they're the only dedicated Vue platform (like Frontend Masters for frontend stuff) with many courses on beginner and advanced topics, and libraries as well, taught by some of the members of the Vue team.
  3. If necessary to achieve my objective for building the multi-step form, I'd take the advanced Vue 3 course by Lachlan Miller (Vue team member) which includes TypeScript, the Composition API and Vue Test Utils** (

Other resources I've considered is Lachlan's beginner Vue course (as I'd rather have the Vue Mastery subscription) and the PluralSight Vue Fundamentals course mentioned in this article (I'm skipping this even though I already have a paid subscription because I think PluralSight specializes in C# .net courses, so I don't think this would be better than Vue Mastery). Having said this, the PluralSight course seems to have a nice section on managing state and server communication with VueX (