DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your best productivity tip?

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zankyr • Edited
  • Close the email client and forget about emails (of course if your role allows it)
  • Disable all PC notifications (Slack, Teams, etc.): you can configure a session "do not disturb" (e.g. from 9 to 11) or disable them manually (I think every application has its own configuration, maybe even the operating system of your machine has this feature);
  • Set up a "do not disturb" session on your phone, disabling all intrusive apps like Facebook and Instagram (with Android this is called "Digital Wellbeing" or something similar)
  • Depending on your environment, use a good set of earphones/headphones, something that can isolate you from outside noise and distractions
  • Music: something without words, such as classical music, video game soundtracks, etc. Personally, I love psy-trance playlists (infected mushrooms, 1200 micrograms, etc.), Combichrist and similar artists.
  • short but intense work sessions: classic Pomodoro Time, take a break every 20-30 minutes, have a drink (water, tea, coffee, anything), move around the room. After 5/10 minutes, go back to your work. Repeat.
  • Light meals. Take the time to prepare a light but satisfying lunch, so as to "disconnect" your mind from work without wasting too much time (preparing food, washing dishes, etc.). Light meals prevent you from "falling asleep" in the afternoon, even better if after lunch you take a walk of a few minutes (30/40 minutes), just to make a minimum of movement.