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Discussion on: Laravel 8 Auth (Registration and Login)

zenahr profile image

Thanks for your post. I would love to have actual code snippets instead of pictures of code next time. That would be awesome.

I've followed all steps and ended up with something very different. The compiled Laravel app only comes with a Profile section, no API Tokens section. Also, there is no way for me to upload a profile picture. Could you link a GitHub repo with your code so we can reproduce exactly what you did in your tutorial with the correct dependencies?

Also, please update the guide by either saying explicitly which dependency versions you used or by updating to the current state of affairs. Cheers.

kingsconsult profile image

Thank you Zenahr for your feedback, maybe you miss it, the repository for the code is in the write-up. However, in case you miss it, this is it, I used Laravel 8.0, livewire 2.0, Jetstream 1.2.
If you still needs clarification, you are free to reach out, thanks