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Discussion on: Does your website really need to be larger than Windows 95?

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Zuodian Hu

That linked blog post was one of the most enjoyable things I've read in a while.

Some things I didn't see anybody mention yet (sorry if you did):

  • The familiarity factor tends to trump resource efficiency, and even ease of use, quite a lot when companies choose what to build on top of (libraries, frameworks, platforms, etc) or with (tool chains, programming languages, etc).

  • In the quest for abstraction, modularity, and whatnot, we've made quite a lot of tools that are easier to use than they are efficient to run.

  • Abstraction tools are just so much better nowadays, we get lulled into thinking all of them are as good as the best ones. Optimizing compilers can, in a lot of cases, out perform assembly programmers; garbage collectors add negligible penalty in a lot of use cases (contrived examples, don't eat me). But, just because they're not a problem a lot of the time, doesn't mean they can't screw you over some of the time. We tend to forget that more and more as tools become better and better.

On a related note, one of my college teaches shared a quote with us that went something like this:

The only problem that can't be solved with a layer of indirection is too many layers of I direction. 

On the flip side though, I do believe there are new people entering the field who are very interested in efficiency, and the screeching halt of transistor miniaturization will certainly force everybody to optimize more.