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Discussion on: Building a Web App With Go, Gin and React

zxiang77 profile image

Nice post! I successfully setup a simple application with your example without any problem. But now I have a question beyond the scope of this article: I want to setup some React router e.g.: having a /jokes for the page in your example. but gin is unable to comprehend the url /jokes (vs. the previous /) and return a 404. is there a way to setup the route in gin to also respect the routes defined in React router?

zxiang77 profile image
zili • Edited

Did some research on serving React with static file (, so basically I have to define the client side routing paths in the go server, and point them to the same static files, e.g.:
router.Use(static.Serve("/jokes", static.LocalFile("./views", true)))

Also because gin doesn't support path regex, I have to either customize a handler for that case or define all my client side routing on the go backend. a bit tedious, but that works! :)