DEV Community

Discussion on: Intro to Linux for New Developers

zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

Is Linux worth it nowadays?

I mean, we have a lot of advantages using Windows/Mac OS lately that, in my opinion, overcome most Linux features... So, it seems that there are many cool Linux distros, but when it comes to productivity and toolset I can't point out any advantages;

sawtoothmassacre profile image

What features? What toolset? What advantages?

zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

For example, Mac OS has a better performance when it comes to graphics. Moreover, most of the best graphics softwares aren't available on Linux.

It is also important to say that Linux, in general, isn't as easy to set up as Mac/ Windows, hence it means that it costs time to get ready to code. However, it depends on which stack you're working with. Most javascript stacks are pretty much ok on Linux.

(I do think Linux is great, but I've never seen a real use-case where its superiority was proven).

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ghost profile image

It all depends on what you expect of your OS, I don't buy that "best OS" oversimplification, I used MS OS from DOS 6.0 to Win XP exclusively and on and off Win7 after that. I was kinda happy with Win3.1, 95, 98 and XP but when I started using Linux my whole world opened for me, I started seeing and getting interested in thing I didn't even knew I could do or know; I got interested in programming, my rig turn from an appliance to my system. If a computer is just a device that runs X program for you, then just use the OS that better support said program. To me, if you want to learn, really learn about computers, if you really want to make your system yours, not talking about changing fonts or GUI colors, but really have complete control over your entire system, there is no other choice but Linux (or some BSD for that matter), because of the simple fact that the other OS are built from the ground up to hide things from you, to "translate" standard technical lingo to make it "user friendly" for most people and most people doesn't care about learning that stuff.

My workflow is not possible in other OS, not even close, to me working in Windows is really painful and I don't see anything helpful to me in MacOS. My system is perfectly fit for my needs and I can have my perfect setup in about 60min and that installation will stay as perfect as today for years, I reboot my machine once a month and works flawlessly being a 7+ years old HW when I see other OS lag in much modern machines doing much less.

Productivity wise, to me is being able to handle my 3/5 active projects without closing anything, Firefox with almost 100 tabs open, 15+ terminals, 8 text editors open; a couple of videos on queue while working on and off with Inkscape (nothing too fancy), Gimp and Kicad; working on Rust: testing, compiling; running Python tests and that's the base line. On top of all that short complilations of C for microcontrollers, some music on the background, installing SW, reading a couple of PDFs, spreadsheets work, etc. And all that ofte at the same time, in a 7+ years i5 laptop with 8GB in RAM spread in 3 displays with 20 workspaces. And that laptop cost me about 150USD about 3 years ago. I can't do even half of that in other OS. And as a Cherry on top I use i3, find something like that on Windows or MacOS, good luck.

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zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

I see... In your case, I think it is reasonable using Linux. Also, it is a matter of figure out your necessities as you said. Although, in most cases, I think people choose Linux by choice and not by productivity. For example, Photoshop is way more productive than Gimp, but when it comes to code it is pretty much the same depending on the language.

gaveen profile image
Gaveen Prabhasara

To answer premise of your question in short, yes. Linux us worth every bit learning.

Please note what you've said is just your opinion, therefore not fact. Simply because there are millions of people productively/happily using Linux on the desktop. As for developers, Stack Overflow annual surveys usually indicate Windows:Linux:macOS ratio among participants is ~ 2:1:1.

Since your reply below also sounds anecdotal or perhaps hearsay, I'm not going to try to respond. However, I'd like you to invite you to give things a try and see if it works for you. There's no point of trying to make a case of "superiority" as you put it. One persons user experience and requirements can be far different from another.

I can't speak for all Linux user, but for me and every time someone makes a diminutive claim about Linux, in 2019/20 no less, it's so tired it's almost funny. Please just remember that you being unable to find a reason to use Linux is your opinion/choice, and respect others choice and curiosity.

zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

I think I wasn't that clear...

I'm not stating that Linux is bad at all, I'm just saying that as a Professional developer I can't point out an advantage that would make me switch to Linux nowadays. The market focus on productivity and most of the tools are exclusively or better on Mac OS/ Linux, and it is a FACT. Also, it's important to bring the facts, as I said previously, that graphics are better on Mac and, that both Win/Mac are easier to set up.

I do believe Linux is a great OS, I used to be a Linux user a long time ago and, I switched to Windows and Mac just because at the time it doesn't worth it. At the first moment, my question was if Linux worth it... and until now no one was able to answer it properly.

As a conclusion, I do think that Linux is OK when you work as a hardcore developer.

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ghost profile image

Well I guess I was vague :) is all about what are you doing, to me MacOS design tools are useless, because is no my jam, to me Gimp and Inkscape are far better because are free and more than powerful enough (I've seen professional work with both and are amazin on higher levels too), tools like Blender where made for Linux and later made available to other OS so for Blender should be better in Linux too. In the server side everything is Linux so the fact that you are working on the same system you will deploy is also great, I don't need to SSH to a Docker machine, emulate or imagine how will behave, the same Docker enviroment I have in my system is what I'm gonna use, and tools like terminals, ssh clientes and servers are not an afterthought, I can install Postgres just like in a server because we don't have that difference of server/desktop, home/profesional even the noob/pro is just a label. You daily USE an actual server machine. You use the same cron, same init, same ntp client, etc.

I'm not sure what your dev specialty is so maybe in your area MacOS or Windows are "better", but to me is unthinkable to move to something else (except BSD, I really liked OpenBSD).

After all, as I said "better" or a blank "more productive" is a fallacy, specially for "dev", systems dev?, web dev?, mobile dev?.

And in the daily workflow, if my OS keep me from working because is updating, eats my resources with antivirus SW, I need to upgrade my system programs one by one, I have to dig for drivers on the web, I have to reinstall my entire system once a year because it get slow in time, after every reinstall I have to reconfigure everything program by program, every system preference by hand everytime. For me, that is unacceptable, that criple my productivity. I reinstall every 5+ years and just because of boredom, I've had installs for 10+ years, and rebooted only to update the kernel once a month. An boots in < 10seg, it updates in the background only when I tell it to and does it with ALL my installed SW not just the OS, I install an entire environment or program with just 1 command. Want Python? already there, want a C/C++ compiler? already there; Rust, Java, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes, all at 1 simple command. And not some emulated or modified version, just the same that you would install on a server, production ready in you desktop.

And everyone say but what about Photoshop or YYY, well I say where is my native and lightweight neovim, where is XFCE4-terminal, i3 or mpv, where is zsh, zfs, rofi and htop?, from your point of view Linux has no programs, from mine is Windows who doesn't, MacOS is closer, but require an Apple taxed HW, has far less flexibility and I like my laptop without dongles and ample avail of ports and under 1500USD. And I don't buy that premise of Windows was more malware because has more users, to me that's bullwaste. I've traveled ungodly websites (just research...) (... for a friend) (not even a close one...) and in almos 15 years, never a virus, not once, that peace of mind also affects productivity.

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ghost profile image

look what you made me do!, another 1000 lines of "verbal diarrhoea", is your fault tho, all your fault. ^ he made me do it!

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zyzmoz profile image
Daniel Cunha (he/him)

I got your point. However, Is Linux worth it? Why?
I'm not trying to make you write a 1k lines answers or that stating Linux is the worst! Keep it simple...

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ghost profile image

Yes, complete freedom and access to everything, the same everything Google and all supercomputers have in the background. The same you can install into almost any device. Some SW doesn't run on it, some HW is not well supported. There you go, your choice.

Yey, I did't, short post at last :D