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Abhishek Keshri

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GitHub logo 2KAbhishek / Dotfiles

Passionately crafted configs for CLI lovers 🐧❀️


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Passionately crafted configs for CLI lovers 🐧❀️

Dotfiles Demo
Terminal screenshot

What is this

My personal configs, carefully and passionately crafted for setting up an optimal CLI dev experience.


Hours and nights spent on the terminal, willingness to improve.


git clone
cd Dotfiles

# Menu based interactive setup

# Setup everythin unattended
./ -a
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


For installation git curl & zsh are must, other tools are mentioned below.


This list is not complete, package names may vary depending upon your system and your requirements.

# Required
git, zsh, neovim, tmux, git-delta, bat, fd, fzf, fasd, ag(silver_surfer), curl, powerline, lsd
# Optional
ranger, cmus, xdotool, libinput, htop, python, vim, broot, xclip, 
bash, i3, i3status, dmenu, ncdu, grc, exa, conky, kitty, konsole, autorandr, xplr
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Powerline patched fonts are required for glyphs. I'll recommend Nerd Fonts. I'm using FiraCode.

Included Configurations

This repo contains configurations for following…