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Cover image for I made a tmux plugin to spice up your terminal πŸ§πŸ’…πŸΌ
Abhishek Keshri
Abhishek Keshri

Posted on β€’ Edited on β€’ Originally published at

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I made a tmux plugin to spice up your terminal πŸ§πŸ’…πŸΌ


What is this

tmux2k is a tmux plugin for that adds powerline support and pretty colors to your tmux status bar.


tmux2k was inspired by dracula/tmux.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed the latest version of tmux.
  • tpm for managing tmux plugins.
  • A patched nerd font for powerline and glyphs support.

Installing tmux2k

Using tpm

If you are a tpm user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by adding the following to your .tmux.conf file:

set -g @plugin '2kabhishek/tmux2k'

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Add any configuration options below this line in your tmux config.

Activating tmux2k

  • Make sure run -b ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm is at the bottom of your .tmux.conf
  • Run tmux
  • Use the tpm install command: prefix + I (default prefix is ctrl+b)

Configuring tmux2k

# Tmux 2K default configs
# available plugins: battery, cpu-usage, git, gpu-usage, ram-usage, network, network-bandwidth, network-ping, weather, time
set -g @tmux2k-left-plugins "git cpu-usage ram-usage"
set -g @tmux2k-right-plugins "battery network time"
set -g @tmux2k-show-powerline true
set -g @tmux2k-show-fahrenheit false
set -g @tmux2k-military-time true
set -g @tmux2k-border-contrast true

# available colors: white, gray, dark_gray, light_purple, dark_purple, cyan, green, orange, red, pink, yellow
set -g @tmux2k-[plugin-name]-colors "[background] [foreground]"
set -g @tmux2k-cpu-usage-colors "blue dark_gray"

# it can accept `session`, `rocket`, `window`, or any character.
set -g @tmux2k-show-left-icon "ο„΅"

# update powerline symbols
set -g @tmux2k-show-left-sep "ξ‚°"
set -g @tmux2k-show-right-sep "ξ‚²"

# change refresh rate
set -g @tmux2k-refresh-rate 5

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

How it was built

tmux2k was built using neovim, shellcheck, nerd-fonts.

What I learned

  • Learned a lot about the tmux and tpm ecosystem.
  • Did some fancy shell scripting.

What's next


  • Fix left plugins color logic
  • Add more section scripts

Hit the ⭐ button if you found this useful.

GitHub logo 2KAbhishek / tmux2k

Make tmux powerful and pretty πŸ₯ŠπŸ’…






Last Updated

Make tmux powerful and pretty πŸ₯ŠπŸ’…

tmux2k is a highly customizable framework designed to enhance your tmux status bar, providing you with a sleek and informative interface for your terminal sessions.

✨ Features

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Prettify your tmux setup with a stylish and modern status bar.
  • Informative Display: Gain access to all the essential information you need right on your status bar, including system stats, git branch, weather updates, and more.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: Comes with a wide array of plugins to tailor your status bar to your specific needs, covering everything from system monitoring to version control integration.
  • Ease of Customization: Customize and extend tmux2k effortlessly, thanks to its intuitive configuration options and flexible architecture.
  • Dynamic Updates: Enjoy real-time updates and dynamic content rendering for a seamless and responsive user experience.

🎨 Available Themes:

  • default default
  • default icons default-icons
  • catppuccin catppuccin
  • catppuccin icons catppuccin-icons
  • gruvbox gruvbox
  • gruvbox icons gruvbox-icons
  • monokai…

Top comments (3)

wjplatformer profile image
Wj β€’

@2kabhishek be like 1 project per day. I can't contribute because I dunno CLI. But, I look forward to using it :)

2kabhishek profile image
Abhishek Keshri β€’

Haha, I get more time on the weekends 😁

2kabhishek profile image
Abhishek Keshri β€’

For more CLI configs, checkout

GitHub logo 2KAbhishek / Dotfiles

Passionately crafted configs for CLI lovers 🐧❀️


License People Stars Forks Watches Last Updated

Passionately crafted configs for CLI lovers 🐧❀️

Dotfiles Demo
Terminal screenshot

What is this

My personal configs, carefully and passionately crafted for setting up an optimal CLI dev experience.


Hours and nights spent on the terminal, willingness to improve.


git clone
cd Dotfiles

# Menu based interactive setup

# Setup everythin unattended
./ -a
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


For installation git curl & zsh are must, other tools are mentioned below.


This list is not complete, package names may vary depending upon your system and your requirements.

# Required
git, zsh, neovim, tmux, git-delta, bat, fd, fzf, fasd, ag(silver_surfer), curl, powerline, lsd
# Optional
ranger, cmus, xdotool, libinput, htop, python, vim, broot, xclip, 
bash, i3, i3status, dmenu, ncdu, grc, exa, conky, kitty, konsole, autorandr, xplr
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Powerline patched fonts are required for glyphs. I'll recommend Nerd Fonts. I'm using FiraCode.

Included Configurations

This repo contains configurations for following…

πŸ‘‹ Kindness is contagious

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