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_nicovillanueva profile image

Fantastic example. React/frontend dev has been a great pending in my life (usually messing with Python, Go, and everything in the devops side of things) and this has been super informative. I could almost say that I like React a bit.
Time to play around with this.

_nicovillanueva profile image

Just a small thing: When you install react and react-dom, you didn't add the --save-dev. For any reason in particular?

I just packed everything into a Dockerfile, and blew with a Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react' in '/data/src' error

itzsaga profile image

Glad you're enjoying it Nico.

So the --save-dev flag are things that are needed to develop the project. These dependencies will not be available when the code is in production. Anything installed without the flag will be available to the production code. We need react and react-dom for our app to run in the wild.

This is from the purpose of npm being able to package things up and add them to the npm repository. We're essentially creating an npm package, just like the ones we are installing. If we were to package this up and add it to npm then only the code the is not a devDependency would be available to the end user.

Hopefully that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't. It's not something I've ever explained before.