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githubのリポジトリ名の横に `mirrored from` ってつける方法

githubのリポジトリ名の横に mirrored from ってつける方法



ない. (正確には, githubのスタッフさんにお願いする必要がある模様
Based on communicating with GitHub's support team, I found that GitHub currently offers no direct mechanism for a user to mirror repositories in this fashion.

However, one can ask GitHub to install this service for repositories which are part of an organization. GitHub then configures an existing repository as such a mirror and pulls from it in an interval that is a function of the number of overall mirrors they have.

EDIT: as Stuart points out, GitHub no longer accepts requests for mirroring arbitrary repositories. The only remaining option is the solution I posted in my question, i.e., creating a post-receive hook to automatically push to your GitHub repository.

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edited Sep 23 '19 at 14:28

Arturo Herrero
10.9k88 gold badges3636 silver badges7070 bronze badges
answered Jul 10 '12 at 19:32

けど別にミラー自体はどうとでもできる ( Mirror は表示されないけど

Gitlab -> Githubの方法

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