DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
abdelrahman_hussein profile image
AbdelRahman Hussein Mahmoud

you can write maintainable and easy code in JS, it's not related to the maintainability here.
if you followed the clean code rules and used the right architecture and the right design pattern to solve each problem, you will have maintainable code.

mburszley profile image
Maximilian Burszley

Maintainability is basically the reason TypeScript exists. Dynamic typing in large codebases becomes very unwieldy to reason about very quickly. As a webdev primarily in python & js (migrating to TS for aforementioned issues), if I didn't have annotations, I'd go insane.

abdelrahman_hussein profile image
AbdelRahman Hussein Mahmoud

I said there will always be a debate and there is no right answer, using typescript or not is depends on lots of factors.

  • how big your project
  • project estimate time
  • team knowledge it's just a different point of view, you will find who really loves and like TS and see it solved a problem and on other side, there will be some people who see that it's useless.
mylastore profile image
Oscar Quinteros

Agreed 100% with the help of JSDoc and good clean architecture Javascript code, no need to add more complexity to your code like TypeScript