DEV Community

Abdullah Sameer
Abdullah Sameer

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Best Practices for Using Middleware in ASP.NET Core Web API for Exception Handling, Authentication, and Error Logging


Hi everyone,

I'm working on an ASP.NET Core Web API project and I am trying to implement some global functionalities using middleware. Specifically, I want to handle the following:

Global Exception Handling: Catching unhandled exceptions and returning standardized error responses.

Authentication: Ensuring all requests are authenticated before processing.

Global Error Logging: Logging all errors that occur during the request processing pipeline.

My questions are:

Is it a recommended practice to use middleware for global exception handling in ASP.NET Core Web API? If so, are there any specific patterns or libraries that are commonly used?

Is middleware the best approach for implementing authentication, or should this be handled differently?

For global error logging, is middleware a suitable solution, or are there other preferred methods or tools for this purpose?

I would appreciate any insights or recommendations on the best practices for these tasks, particularly regarding the use of middleware vs other methods.

Thanks in advance! ❤️

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