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[Comment from a deleted post]
abhinavmsra profile image
Abhinav Mishra

I have read quite a few blogs explaining how they used JWT for authentication.

Personally, I go for OAuth 2.0 for my APIs.

To my understanding, JWT should only be used for microservice apps using Single Sign on, where the authentication server encrypts the user info as a payload which could then be passed down to other microservices. But using JWT for authentication seems like an increasing trend these days, even with monoliths. I dont quite understand the rationale behind that though.

Brought that up in this thread hoping to find some answers :)

mattferderer profile image
Matt Ferderer

I've been researching this a lot lately as I'm working on some API templates. Here's what I've learned so far.

JWT can be used with OAuth or without. They are not really competing tech. The biggest benefit of JWT is it can prevent database queries to check the users access and permissions since it contains that info in the request.