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Alternatives to Github

I have recently started using Github.I used to think Github as an Online platform just to hold files.Now, by using Github for my project , I was truly amazed by its true potential.

I will explain it with an example.

Imagine you are given a room to do whatever you want to with your accessories , customize our furniture as per your suitability any time. Permitted to share the place with some one, bring people to come at your place and party together and you don’t have to pay or rent all this with any bills. How cool would that be…!!

Github is a similar space. You have got a free space to hold all types of files ie - python, java, c, html, js, nodejs,images etc. You may customize your code any day, any time, any where . You can give access to people to contribute, commit changes to your work. Download your project’s code and use it for their work. Follow you and your work and lot more.

Pros of GitHub

  1. It makes it easy to contribute to your open source projects
  2. Documentation
  3. Showcase your work
  4. Markdown
  5. Track changes in your code across versions

Cons of Github

1.You have to be careful with merge operations; a bad merge can be painful to reverse.
2.Searching is good but not great.
3.Restrictions on file size and repository size.

Alternatives to Github


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Bitbucket is more flexible than GitHub.While GitHub comes
with a lot of features and allows you to create your own workflows, Bitbucket arguably has more flexibility built-in.
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Bitbucket can also import from Git, CodePlex, Google Code, SourceForge, and SVN. GitHub, meanwhile, can import from Git, SVN, HG, and TFS. Using Bitbucket, you can work precisely the way that you want, without having to try and jam a square peg into a round hole.


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GitLab is a repository that only lets its team of web developers collaborate on codes. GitLab allows its users to locate a repository inside an organization while using the free plan.GitLab documents are similar to documentation for a language with a search bar, listing all the documents required for the installer.
With GitLab you can set and modify people’s permissions according to their role. In GitHub, you can decide if someone gets a read or write access to a repository.
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With GitLab you can provide access to the issue tracker (for example) without giving permission to the source code. This is obviously great for larger teams and enterprises with role-based contributors.

AWS CodeCommit

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Amazon's Git-based version control service is also an ideal for companies which are using other AWS services. With scalable cloud storage and no size limits.
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Offers easy Access and Integration .AWS CodeCommit tool is designed for collaborative software development.Allows helps you to transfer files to and from AWS CodeCommit using HTTPS or SSH .It allows you to create as many repositories

My thought

Developers who prefer to use Git as the core of their source code management workflow, but don't want to rely on GitHub, have plenty of options. GitHub may still dominate the market, but depending on your specific needs and use cases, a competing platform may be a better fit.

Latest comments (2)

hjorthbjorn profile image
Björn Hjorth

Please elaborate: "Slightly expensive for those in search of private repository"?
They made private repos free a while back.

navthenugget profile image
Nav Pahwa

I Guess I am Good with GitHub, I have been using it for years and it is the one I am comfortable with.