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Discussion on: RxComp a modern ES6 alternative to Angular component framework

actarian profile image
Luca Zampetti

@Kostia Thank You! This is really interesting, I like the neat syntax of the jsx template.

I will dive soon on preact or react.

I've just readed your article and found it very inspiring! ^ ^

I think we both like rxjs and want to use it as the way to handle component state!

And thank you for the router5 tip too!

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk

I think we both like rxjs

We do :)

want to use it as the way to handle component state!

State aaand side-effects with async events management and auto cancellation!
I see, you have "Automatic Subscription / Unsubscription" and "OnPush Strategy" -- great features!

(I'm actually in the middle of writing an article about state-management :) )

Also, if you're looking for a SSOT storage with Observable API:
In the scope of the framework project, I've created this:
It's a redux-like storage with redux-observable interface and a TS support.

preact or react

From what I've seen, preact has the same as react. Same API / feature set, just has less run-time error-proof handling logic.

People often find JSX a blocker, cause it's violating MV* principle. Yet, once you use a ng-repeat or ng-if in your template — you realize that you're adding logic to the View. Since you're adding logic to the View -- why not adding it using JS? You're still developing the View, just using tools you know for years.

I've tried React after a couple of years of Angular (1,2+). And found JSX awesome.
The frustrating part was the data-flow: you can't directly refer to a component child and call a method on it. Rather it's about passing callbacks around and updating parent state to update the child. Aaaand, obviously, Rx is not really native to React ;)

Anyhow, I wish you to have an interesting journey with RxComp and the rest!

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actarian profile image
Luca Zampetti

People often find JSX a blocker, cause it's violating MV* principle. Yet, once you use a ng-repeat or ng-if in your template — you realize that you're adding logic to the View. Since you're adding logic to the View -- why not adding it using JS? You're still developing the View, just using tools you know for years.

Yep, I agree, still I think it's not matter of who's better, every tool has its pros and cons and you have to find what is best suited for the job. I like the idea to learn as many tools as possible and to take from each one its best.

Thank you again for all the hints! )