DEV Community

Ada Omoji
Ada Omoji

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How to use Github in a team project 🤝

Are you working on a team project using GitHub for the first time?
Start here!

Working in a group project can be intimidating.

Step 1: Add collaborators to the github repository

Step 2: Each collaborator needs to clone the project onto their local device

Step 3: Create a new branch for each feature!!

This is arguably the most important step, as it will help keep your git history in order. To create a branch, you will need just a few lines of code:

git pull when you are in the main branch of the project
git checkout -b Branch_Name to create your branch

Step 4: Edit your code and push your branch to the main
git add .
git commit -m "Clear Commit Message"
git push -u origin Branch_Name

Step 5: Merge your changes to the main
git checkout main
git merge Branch_Name

In a perfect world, this last step will go smoothly .. but say you and another collaborator have been editing the same files in different branches. When you push, this may lead to a (git) conflict.

Step 6: Resolve any conflicts in your editor or directly on github

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Step 7: Once conflicts have been resolved, push to the main
git checkout main

Step 8 (optional): It's a good idea to delete your branch after it has been merged to the main
git branch -a will show all the branches in your project
git branch -D Branch_Name to delete a branch

Step 9: Enjoy your fully functional project!

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