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What is the best front-end javascript framework: Angular, React, or Vue?

Adaeze N. Festus on October 10, 2023

It might be difficult to select the right framework for your projects among the sea of options. Three of these frameworks stand out when it comes t...
schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Some time ago I was in the decision-making of which framework I would use, I finally decided to use SvelteKit, and I love it, that's a good one to consider also.

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus • Edited


eshimischi profile image
eshimischi • Edited

There is only โ€œpersonal preferenceโ€, not best. All these frameworks do the same at the end of day. My pp is Vue3. โ€œSince vue.js is newโ€ didnโ€™t get where it came from. Vue isnโ€™t new at all, 10+ years.. PS: React.js and Vue.js both released in the same 2013. Why did you put this as "disadvantage"? @adaeze123_

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus • Edited


fr0z3nrebel profile image
John Adams

I haven't tried Vue.js yet, but I have worked with React and Angular quite a bit. I prefer Angular over React, as it seems to be easier to write clean, maintainable code, and has less reliance on third-party dependencies. It did take me a bit longer to learn, but only because Angular comes with more features out of the box like dependency injection, services, and routing. Angular also has more granular control throughout the change detection lifecycle which I appreciate.

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus • Edited

Thanks for sharing

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

I work with React around 7 years, and this years I need a littlebit work with Angular wich is seems overcomplicated compared to react. But my vote goes to Qwik (from creator of Angular).

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus • Edited


pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

Qwik selling point in my view at the moment ( eraly test phase ) is:

  • bright concepts behind the Qwik: minimalize the client side JS using
  • Proxy based reactive programming
  • JSX but use HTML parameters : class instead className and so on
  • easy transform react app to qwik ( reduxSaga is questionable at this moment )
  • Lazy loading with $()
  • solve the cilent and server side programming but a little bit nicer than Nextjs do.
  • esaiest add Tailwind (and many module) to repo: pnpm qwik add tailwind ( do the config setup also )
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adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus

Thanks for sharing

turculaurentiu91 profile image
Turcu Laurentiu

I heard that Anuglar comes with signals now, so the vDOM part might not be relevant for new projects.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Is this a ChatGPT generated response, it seams like something ChatGPT would say :)

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turculaurentiu91 profile image
Turcu Laurentiu

Now that you brought it up, I kind of smells like AI

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus


dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Interesting comparison, I've worked briefly with Vuejs but what I don't like about it is the actual templating syntax, with custom attributes for conditionals, but that is a visual preference as I am a very visual person.

Btw. not sure what you mean by "Is your website active?, you may use either React or Angular", it implies that active websites are better done with React or Angular, seams like an odd statement.

adaeze123_ profile image
Adaeze N. Festus • Edited


barrymichaeldoyle profile image
Barry Michael Doyle

They're all frontend frameworks, you can pretty easily build the same app using all the frameworks listed here.

The best on to use is either the one that you want to learn more about or the one you prefer using.

That said, there isn't really a wrong choice here.