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Aizat Ibraimova
Aizat Ibraimova

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Intro to Ruby

Codecademy Cheatsheet

Everything in Ruby is an Object

'puts' and 'print'

The print command just takes whatever you give it and prints it to the screen. puts (for “put string”) is slightly different: it adds a new (blank) line after the thing you want it to print. You use them like this:

puts "What's up?"

print "Oxnard Montalvo"
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No parentheses or semicolons needed!

The '.length' Method

"I love espresso".length
# ==> 15 

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The '.reverse' Method

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will result in

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'.upcase' & '.downcase'

puts "Aizat".upcase

puts "Aizat".downcase
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Multi-Line Comments


This is for when

you have a lot of comments to write! 

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Strings and String Methods
In Ruby, you can do this two ways: each method call on a separate line, or you can chain them together, like this:


name = "Jamie"

puts name.downcase.reverse.upcase

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gets is the Ruby method that gets input from the user. When getting input, Ruby automatically adds a blank line (or newline) after each bit of input; chomp removes that extra line. (Your program will work fine without chomp, but you’ll get extra blank lines everywhere.)

variable_name = gets.chomp
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Formatting with String Methods

print "This is my question?"
answer = gets.chomp
answer2 = answer.capitalize 

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First we introduce one new method, capitalize, here. It capitalizes the first letter of a string and makes the rest of the letters lower case. We assign the result to answer2
The next line might look a little strange, we don’t assign the result of capitalize to a variable. Instead you might notice the ! at the end of capitalize. This modifies the value contained within the variable answer itself. The next time you use the variable answer you will get the results of answer.capitalize

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