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Akhil sai
Akhil sai

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Random Colors Generating random color with single line of js code

Did you ever feel bored or tired of writing long random colors for different divs or spans just to test something simple?

So here is a simple solution. The following snippet generates a random color in hexadecimal format.

var randomColor = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
//generates a random color -> #56eec7

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That's it!πŸ₯³ You can place this in a function and call the function everytime you need a random color

function generateRandomColor()
    var randomColor = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
    return randomColor;
    //random color will be freshly served
} = generateRandomColor() // -> #e1ac94 = generateRandomColor() // -> #34c7aa

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Well this is the end of the trick. If you are in hurry, you can the leave post here.


if you are curious to know why only the number 16777215 and toString(16) are used, then the following part covers those explanations

So, let's divide the code into 3 parts

1.Why the number 16777215?

  • Well this needs a little bit of Math. We all know that the colors range from #000000(pitch black) to #ffffff(pure white).
  • The number of colors that exist from black to white as per rgb values are 16777216.
  • This can be calculated simply by using permutation&combination formula [result = m to the power of n => 16 to power of 6 => 16777216]
  • However our ultimate goal is to convert the number into hexadecimal format and 16777216 converts to 1000000 and 16777215 converts to ffffff. Hence we proceed with 167777215 as the highest number for hexadecimal conversion


  • As we need some randomness in our output we are multiplying our magic number with Math.random() which returns floating number in range from inclusive of 0 to exclusive of 1 ```javascript


 - As seen the output is floating point and we need to cut down it to an integer for hex conversion and hence we use `Math.floor()` for that


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3.Hexadecimal conversion

  • Now we are in the endgame, the last part of the code. To convert a number to hexadecimal format string , we have a beautiful method toString() which accepts the number that tells to which format it has to convert.
  • As we are converting to string of hexa-decimal format and hence we pass 16 as the argument as follows ```javascript


    - All we need to now is just attach # before the string


var randomColor = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);

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That's it!
Kudos to you!
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Happy C0ding!

Top comments (4)

letsbsocial1 profile image
Maria Campbell β€’

I discovered this too, and it's great. However, occasionally it generates a hex code that contains only 5 characters instead of 6. But if you chain ES6's .padStart() method to the end of the code like so:

const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')
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This ensures that a 6 character hex color code is always generated. Thanks for the explanation about the number 16777215. I was wondering about that part!

This is where I learned about using ES6's padStart() method to fix the hex color code length issue:

emmiep profile image
Emmie PΓ€ivΓ€rinta β€’

I think there's a bug so you'll only get the colors #000000 - #FFFFFE, never #FFFFFF. Because the max value Math.random can return is 0.999… and not 1.0, Math.random() multiplied with some integer n will always be less than n, and rounded down you'll get 0…n-1, not 0…n. For instance Math.floor(Math.random()) will always be 0 because Math.floor(0.999…) is still 0, and Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) will never be 10, because Math.floor(9.999…) is 9.

If you want every possible color you should probably use Math.floor(Math.random()*16777216) (or Math.floor(Math.random()*0x1000000) which I think is more readable).

andylacko profile image
Andrej Lacko β€’

why you write post buggy? it is not so hard to test it


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returns '#0'


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returns '#fffffe'
so you will never get '#ffffff'

this is solution I like the most, because you know, what it does

'#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (256 * 256 * 256)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')
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it is longer, but human readable and you can test it pretty easily, similar to as Maria Campbell

if you want to be nerdy looking, shorter solution, here it is

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but trust me, you will get headache, before you decipher it

xamelion profile image
КанСв Π’ΠΈΡ‚Π°Π»ΠΈΠΉ β€’

const randomColor = "#"+((1<<24)*Math.random()|0).toString(16);