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Embed Substack Signup Form in React

" This article is published using Lamento🍋

I have used substackapi to achieve this Custom Embed Substack Signup Form


substackUrl: "",

![Image description](

* **theme**: To customize colors you can use pre-defined style `purple`, `orange` or `green` in theme or if you wanted to add your own colors scheme add `custom` in theme and add your colors to `primary, input, email & text`
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theme: "custom",
colors: {
primary: "#FFFFFF",
input: "#334155",
email: "#FFFFFF",
text: "#000000",

**Here is your final code:**
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import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

const SubstackWidget = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// Define the CustomSubstackWidget on the window object
window.CustomSubstackWidget = {
substackUrl: "",
placeholder: "",
buttonText: "Subscribe",
theme: "custom",
colors: {
primary: "#FFFFFF",
input: "#334155",
email: "#FFFFFF",
text: "#000000",

// Create a new script element
const script = document.createElement('script');

// Set the source of the script to the Substack widget script
script.src = "";
script.async = true;

// Append the script to the body

// Cleanup function to remove the script when the component unmounts
return () => {
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}, []);

return (


export default SubstackWidget;

I you want to make your users redirect to custom URL after they signup, visit (substackapi)[] to Unlock  Custom Redirect for $3.99/month.
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Top comments (3)

nathan_tarbert profile image
Nathan Tarbert

Thanks, this is helpful!

akilesh profile image

Your welcome, keep an eye out for useful content ☺️

liamsherwood profile image

This did not work for me. In my nextJS project, I use the Custom Substack Embed as you set it up here, as a CSR component which i import elsewhere. The

is empty in my elements tab. Any ideas as to why this could be?