DEV Community

Avinash Maurya
Avinash Maurya

Posted on

Context of distributed databases

Certainly! Let's explore these concepts in the context of distributed databases:

1. Distributed Databases:

A distributed database is a database that consists of two or more interconnected databases that are physically distributed over different locations and connected by a network. This architecture provides advantages such as improved performance, fault tolerance, and scalability. Here's a brief example using a distributed architecture:

- Node 1 (Location A):
  - Database Shard 1

- Node 2 (Location B):
  - Database Shard 2

- Node 3 (Location C):
  - Database Shard 3

- Each node manages a shard of the overall data, and the system operates as a cohesive, distributed database.
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2. Polyglot Persistence:

Polyglot Persistence refers to the practice of using multiple data storage technologies within a single application to best match the requirements of different data sets. Each type of data is stored using the most suitable database technology. Here's a brief example:

- Relational Database (MySQL):
  - Used for storing structured data related to user profiles.

- Document-Oriented Database (MongoDB):
  - Utilized for handling semi-structured or unstructured data, such as user comments and product reviews.

- Graph Database (Neo4j):
  - Employed for managing relationships and social network connections among users.
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Polyglot Persistence allows developers to choose the most appropriate database for each specific use case within an application.

3. Data Partitioning:

Data partitioning involves dividing a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces called partitions or shards. This practice is crucial for achieving horizontal scalability and improving performance. Here's a simplified example using data partitioning:

- Original Table (Orders):
  - OrderID | CustomerID | Product | OrderDate
  - 1       | 101        | Laptop  | 2024-03-01
  - 2       | 102        | Monitor | 2024-03-02
  - ...

- Partitioned Tables:
  - Orders_Partition_1 (OrderID, CustomerID)
  - Orders_Partition_2 (OrderID, CustomerID)
  - ...

- Each partition holds a subset of the data, and the system can distribute these partitions across multiple nodes for parallel processing and improved performance.
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In the context of distributed databases, data partitioning is often employed to distribute the workload and enhance scalability.

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