DEV Community

Discussion on: Now is the perfect time to learn C

akuks profile image

I learned C, when I was college around 12 years ago. After that, I never worked on it and move towards Perl, Python and other high level languages.

Other than the embedded systems, I am not sure where else C has its relevance.
Are there enough jobs/market available in C?

amandaeducative profile image
Amanda Fawcett

Thank you for sharing your experience! Certainly, every developer has a different experience with various languages depending on their work and investments, so it is valuable to hear different perspectives.

In regards to your question, I do believe that there is a strong market for C. And if the skills aren't used directly, they certainly do crossover into other languages. Since C is the foundation for other languages, it can bolster a career by making it easier to learn some of the languages that may be more marketable. C++, Java, C#, Haskell, and Python all interact with C in some way.

In general, C is great for embedded stuff (it's easier to port a C compiler than C++), open source software (OSS prefers C over C++, for example), and systems programming (especially templates that use C++). Just to name a few.