DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v29

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Alex Troup

I've joined far too many of these forum-like sites, so my intro post may very well be my outro post. That said, I strive to get out there in the community better so here goes!

I'm Alex. I'm a full-stack software engineer based in London. I've worked across multiple languages and paradigms, but what I'm most interested in right now is how you do the minimum code to get the maximum value. Very much of the philosophy 'Make it work; make it right; make it fast.', after a few years trying to make it right before it works, hah! Clean Code and The Clean Coder are my favourite dev books, though I'm always interested in improving my craft.

I've talked a few times around London and hope to become a world famous functional programmer. Unfortunately, things never change on the functional programming scene.