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Top comments (244)
Hello! 👋
I'm new here to dev.to but have been reading it for a while. I'm a web developer and teacher looking to connect with more developers.
Oh - I also love Disney - ask me anything about it!
John Papa
Welcome, John! Excited to have you here, and to read more of your writing.
What's your favorite Disney film of all time?
Original Mary Poppins for live action
Tangled for animated
Star Wars original series - if we are talking all Disney owned :)
Do you know the reason why Communists are obsessed with Tinkerbell and Mushu? :)
I'm using some of my separation pay to take my family to Disney this September. We've booked through a friend who handles everything. All I wanted out of my first experience was to not make decisions. Ha!
We're staying six nights at the Villas in Animal Kingdom, and we are only looking to hit two or three parks instead of rushing around trying to fit it all in. At her recommendation, we're also spending one day just at the resort.
I wasn't immediately excited about the idea. My son will be 2 and a half, so I'm not sure how much of the experiences will be lost on him. My teenager is creeped out by people dressed up as characters. None of us enjoy thrill rides.
Then I decided to take my parents to spend time with their grandkids. Now I'm excited! I've even heard that it's a pretty decent place for beer lovers and foodies in general. Any secrets you want to pass along?
welcome. It is very interesting and well written.
I had a good time.
Hey John 👋 Nice to have you here. Look forward to learning from your articles.
Also Did you by any chance see High School Musical? 😆
I did. My kids loved it back then
Nice to have you here John! Looking forward to your next post!
Hello! Former cast member here I as well share the love for Disney, and code! Nice to meet you John!
So nice to see you here, John! 🙌
You've always been a great source of information and technique for a lot of developers, I'm looking forward to your articles.
nice to meet you. I envy you. I will learn a lot from you as a beginner.
Hey John! 👋
I was on an angular project some time ago and used your styleguide & examples quite a bit!
Thanks for sharing all that, it was very useful!
What is your favorite Disney ride?
People and site watching :) I like discovering some fo the interesting nooks at Disney
Wow, me too.
Am a teacher and web developer (on my way).
Can I ask you about where do you learn web developer?
I am actually a Mom of a 9 yr old who is passionate about coding. (which is a whole nother language to me)He has bad ADHA and Anxiety and Coding and computers are what he loves. He wants to develop a game. As of right now he has just followed tutorials and made games. I am trying to understand how all this works and hope to get some good information as to how I can help my son and direct him in the right way as to what he should do learn first and what Systems he should play with. He knows a lot but needs something easy to follow and learn. Any help is appreciated.
Hi there! Your son surely is an early starter, kudos to him. I have been doing game development as a hobby for a while now, so feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Hey Hoidberg! That's super awesome of you to go above and beyond for your kiddo like this and really try to become a part of the community!
I think a lot of us got into development to build games, I'm glad to see gaming has sparked an interest in programming for another young developer.
While I'm not as well versed in game development specifically, I'm happy to talk about programming and algorithms in general and talk through problems if either of you want to!
As a software developer with ADHD who has children with ADHD, big ups to you for trying to help where you can. It can sometimes be hard to find the kind of activities that are stimulating for young children.
I don't know how much advice I can offer in gaming, but I know a thing or two about building websites and the systems involved.
Hello there! Welcome to dev.to :)
I would say that I'm an introvert. Definitely spend my weekends at home. Lately been doing a lot of cooking, too!
I also really enjoy cooking and I think the weekends are a great time to explore some larger ideas.
Is there anything in particular that you enjoy cooking lately? Types of food, techniques, something else?
Yeah! I've been working on veggie burgers recently. It's been a real uphill battle for me though. The hard part is getting them to shape properly; mine patty just comes out sticky and hard to fry.
Otherwise it's been a lot of practicing basic knife skills like mincing garlic, slicing onions, and also cutting down meal prep times less. I think I've made pancakes for like three weeks straight, pretty much every other day. Definitely have the recipe memorized and can make it really quickly now!
I spent this past weekend making chickpeas, and I oversalted them. It was a good lesson because through the process I figured out how to desalinize them.
My name is James and I was introduced to dev.to by @hamatti and I am looking forward to doing more technical writing and interacting with the community. Recently I have been focused on TypeScript, React, Redux, Functional Programming, a bit of Elm, Electron, Docker and some Python/Flask.
I would consider myself an ambivert. An extravert that needs a fair amount of alone time to site alone, deep in though, processing the world and what has happened, ideally in the middle of the forest in Finland or an island, or wherever I can find some silence from the noise.
Recently I have been interested in early programming languages such as Fortran and Lisp and using modern tools like Docker to use them. Fun fact: my mom taught me to program in Basic in 2nd grade on an Atari 600XL.
Welcome to the community, James!
I, too, began with Basic, and while I rarely gave them a reason, I was always happy to GOTO my room if I was getting in their hair.
Dad jokes for days. Coder dad jokes. I'm sorry.
It seems like a lot of culture can be found and discovered when learning about the founding tech and languages that I might check out. Very neat.
Hello, people!
I'm a brazilian software engineer, focused in frontend web development using JavaScript, React, PWAs and more.
I use React Native and like to talk about open source, communities and career in software development area.
I just published my book about career in software development in last year (pt-br here), I have a YouTube channel for beginners in software development ("O Universo da Programação") and a blog to share my knowledge, what I learn and more.
Follow-me here and in Twitter. <3
Hello there!
My name is Robert and I've been looking for a place to share my concepts and ideas.
I'm a software developer for 20+ years but a total newbie in modern social media (no fb account!). Definitely an introvert ...
Thanks :)
Hello fellow programmers,
My name is Roshan and I am a graduate student studying Computer Science in NYC. I am interested in developing mobile and desktop applications, and ensuring they operate optimally. I have noticed this website coming up in my Google feed for the last couple of months and posts are always interesting and exciting. I figured it would be best to become a part of the community. I hope to learn from everyone here and contribute as much as I can.
Hello, world ^^..
It's Alaa Yacoub from Benghazi/Libya.
I was looking for my passion and I found it in programming.
I went to a few boot camps some of them was online camps ..
I was reading a tweet talking about Kotlin which was linked to Dev so I end up here looking for more articles.
Hmmm... My friends say that I'm extrovert.
Morning all, if your in my timezone, otherwise good afternoon and good evening. I saw the link to Dev.to from a twitter post. I have been working on securing a REST API server with loopback and jwt. Initially really liking the API generation loopback provides. The loopback explorer is very cool. Other then that I am passionate about all thing's webdev. Definitely extrovert. Happy coding! <`)))>{
Hi, I spend a lot of my work time with clients and business development but am also the main technical resource at the company.
I use Python mostly, and some Javascript (when I get a chance to code) within the GIS space. I also do a lot of SQL, database design, etc. I am always learning, and currently struggling with the question of: do I try to be a programmer, or a project manager first?
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