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Alfadil mustafa
Alfadil mustafa

Posted on • Updated on

Run Odoo in docker for local development

anyone who is new to Odoo or even experienced developers may have a problem in install odoo in there local devices,So I'm going to show few tips to run odoo using docker.

🔔 first this technique assume that you are running a linux distribution like (ubuntu, debian, redhat, ...).

now let's do it.

  • we are going to install Docker CE using if you already have it installed skip this step to check if you have docker install run
docker info
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it's going to show details of the current version of docker installed if not run :

curl -fsSL -o
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after that add the your user to the docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
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where $USER is the name of the user
  • we are going to create a new postgres database server container(don't worry if you don't understand the meaning of the container you can check at docker )
docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres --name postgres_db postgres:10
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  • Now we can start an odoo server
docker run -p 8070:8069 --name odoo --link postgres_db:db -t odoo
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this is going to start latest odoo version which is 13 (in the day the post written)

now in your browser go to http://localhost:8070 and 🎉

and to stop it run

docker stop odoo
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to start it run

docker start odoo
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to run other versions of odoo just change the tag to odoo:11.0, or odoo:12.0

docker run -p 8071:8069 --name odoo --link postgres_db:db -t odoo:11.0
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🤔 now what about custom addons ❓

💡 we have volumes to add modules to the server.

docker run -v /path/to/addons:/mnt/extra-addons -p 8069:8069 --name odoo
--link postgres_db:db -t odoo
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Oldest comments (2)

afromonkey profile image
Moisés Alejandro Navarro Presas

What version of Postgres do you recommend for Odoo 13.0 docker image?
I normally use 11.5 but i'm not that is the best option.

alfadil profile image
Alfadil mustafa • Edited

any version from 10 and upper would be good.