DEV Community

Discussion on: Daily Challenge #55 - Building a Pile of Cubes

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

It feels like there should be some mathematical formula/pattern that would allow to figure things out without having to loop over all the possible results.

dominikfg profile image
Dominik G • Edited

I just found that 13 + 23 +...+ n3 = (1/4)n2 * (n+1)2

So you would need to reverse that.

sqrt(m)=(1/4)n*(n+1) //given positive n and m

That's as far as I get in my head

dominikfg profile image
Dominik G • Edited

n = 1/2 (sqrt(1 - 8 sqrt(m)) - 1)

Wolfram alpha to the rescue

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dominikfg profile image
Dominik G

So my solution would be:

const cubes = m => {
  let n = (Math.sqrt(1 - 8 * Math.sqrt(m)) - 1)/2;

  return n === Math.floor(n) ? n : 0;
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alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

That's amazing

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dominikfg profile image
Dominik G

But it doesn't work. :( Just tested it after posting.