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Discussion on: JavaScript, Ruby and C are not call by reference

ama profile image
Adrian Matei • Edited

I have trouble grasping the following section:

function reference_assignment(myRefMaybe) {
  myRefMaybe = { key: 42 }

var primitiveValue = 1
var someObject = { is: 'changed?' }

// => 1

// => { is: 'changed?' }
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As shown above, someObject has not been changed, because it was not a reference to someObject. In terms of the definitions before: it was not the memory
address of someObject that was passed, but a copy.

Isn't someObject not changed, because in the function the copy reference myRefMaybe is pointing to a totally new object { key: 42 }, and thus from this point on it will not modify the original, but if you would do'indeed changed', you would see the results in someObject because the copy reference is referencing sameObject? Wouldn't this be more consistent with call by sharing definition...

I have written an article regarding this yesterday - Javascript call by value or by reference, actually by sharing, and would like to know if my mental model is flawed. Thanks

sleeplessbyte profile image
Derk-Jan Karrenbeld

Call by sharing is explicitly mentioned at the bottom of this article and has, as far as my formal education goes, no consensus in definition, which is why I am hesitant in using that nomenclature, but yes. It is call by sharing given the definition you linked. That doesn't really change anything here.

Isn't someObject not changed, because in the function the copy reference myRefMaybe is pointing to a totally new object { key: 42 },

I don't quite understand this sentence. I think the point I was trying to make is that, if myRefMaybe was a reference, then re-assigning the value of that reference, would change the original definition too. But in JavaScript, it's a copy of a reference. Thus, re-assigning it doesn't change the original, but modifying the referenced object does change the original (as both the original and the argument / copy of the reference point to the same memory that stores the object).

ama profile image
Adrian Matei

When you put it like this is more clear to me. Thanks

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

A reference is simply a memory address that is automatically dereferenced by the language/runtime.

From that point of view

// (01) primitiveValue stores address #A
var primitiveValue = 1;
// (02) someObject stores address #B
var someObject = { is: 'changed?' };

// (03) myRefMaybe stores address #A from primitiveValue
// (06) primitiveValue still has address #A

// (07) myRefMaybe stores address #B from someObject
// (10) someObject still has address #B

function reference_assignment(myRefMaybe) {
  // (04) myRefMaybe still has address #A
  // (08) myRefMaybe still has address #B
  myRefMaybe = { key: 42 };
  // (05) myRefMaybe now has address #C
  // (09) myRefMaybe now has address #D
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if myRefMaybe was a reference, then re-assigning the value of that reference, would change the original definition too

To be able to change the "original definition" you would need the reference to the someObject reference itself (rather than the reference to the original object):

  • if someObject stores the address #B to the actual object
  • and that address #B is stored on behalf of someObject at address #Z
  • you need to place address #C at address #Z so that someObject now stores the address #C to that other object.


  • Call by Value: Copy the actual value.
  • Call by Sharing: Copy the address to the value.This makes it possible to share the value but not possible to replace the original value at the source variable.
  • Call by Reference: Copy the address of the "variable". This makes it possible to replace the original value at the source variable.

The way JavaScript behaves it actually never has to store anything at the address that is found in a variable - it only stores new addresses in variables.

  // (1) `myRefMaybe` has address #B as set by caller
  myRefMaybe = { key: 42 };
  // (2) New value `{ key: 42 }` is created
  // (3) `myRefMaybe` stores address #C to new value
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