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Ana Ulin 😻
Ana Ulin 😻

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Adding Syndication Urls to My Posts

Inspired by this weekend’s IndieWebCamp West, I added support to record and display syndication urls for my posts on this site.

The indieweb1 community encourages posting your content to your own site, and then liberally sharing either copies or links elsewhere on the web. The idea is that you own your content, and you can also give it wider distribution via social media or news aggregrators. They call this POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere). Once you share your content “off-site”, it is helpful to visitors if you indicate on the original post where else tt can be found.

I don’t provide a way to comment on my site, but I do share some posts on social media and in other places that are more conducive to conversation. I thought it would be nice to point visitors at those other places where you can find the content and maybe even interact with me.

To capture the URLs, I decided to use a new field in my posts’ frontmatter, named syndication_urls and shaped as a list of strings. Each string in the list represents an alternate URL at which the post is syndicated. The metadata for an example post with syndication URLs looks like:

title = "Pomodoro Technique as Self-Awareness Tool"
date = 2018-11-01T16:57:52-07:00
tags = ["working better"]
syndication_urls = ["", ""]

[ content...]

In the templates that generate the HTML for a post, I display these links like so:

{{ if .Params.syndication_urls }}
  <div class="syndication">
      <i class="fas fa-link"></i>
      This post was also syndicated to:
      {{- range $index, $url := .Params.syndication_urls }}
        {{- $parsed_url := urls.Parse $url -}}
        {{- if $index }}, {{- end }}
        <a class="u-syndication" href="{{ $url }}" rel="syndication">{{ $parsed_url.Host }}</a>
      {{- end }}
{{ end }}

It’s somewhat ugly, as Hugo‘s Golang-based templates tend to be. But it is simple and it works! As a bonus, it includes the requisite microformats to indicate that these are syndication urls.

Once the post has been rendered, the links looks something like this:

I’m pretty happy with it.

An unexpected bonus is that now I will have a structured way to collect this data, which might come in handy in the future. A future enhancement I’d like to add is replacing the plain text link with nice icons for some well known sites, like Mastodon or Twitter.

  1. I don’t love the term indieweb, but I’ll use it for lack of a better one. To me, indieweb is just, well, web. The ideas of owning your own data and making your own site (and having fun with it!) existed well before someone invented this term. The prefix indie, in particular, feels like trying too hard to say “hey, i’m the small guy, i’m the good guy”. I guess folks wanted to be very clear that this is not Facebook or Medium or some other Big Tech Vortex of Doom, dammit. Fair enough. You can read more about this indieweb business on the IndieWeb wiki. Naming quibbles aside, there are good ideas in there. ↩︎

This post was originally published on

Latest comments (2)

j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

What's your flow when publishing something? Do you post everywhere manually and put all the links in your frontmatter?

anaulin profile image
Ana Ulin 😻

The only place where I always re-post is on my Mastodon account (which then gets cross-posted to Twitter by I've made myself a Python script that I run to post a link to Mastodon. This script then also adds the resulting toot url back into the original entry as a syndication URL. If you're curious, the code for that is here:

My workflow for re-posting to other places is fully manual for now. I imagine that if I start getting into the habit of re-posting more widely, I can add little automated tasks to do that in a semi-automated way as well.

Initially I thought it would be nice to fully automate the re-posting off of new content in my RSS feed, and I wrote a little Python script that does just that (code here: But I don't love the idea of doing this fully automatically, at least not yet. There are some entries that I don't care enough to re-post, and there are different places where I re-share my content, depending on the subject matter. So, for now, an approach that is manually triggered by me for each post suits me best.