For a front-end web developer, it is always a tough choice to choose between the various technologies that he/she are provided with. A few years back, the w3 organisation has made the JavaScript as the client-side script that has to be used by default by any browser.
1) Having information about users of each of the technology is quite helpful in the comparison done here. The Angular has the defaulter as Google itself, accompanied by Wix,, and the infamous Forbes website. The happy clients of React are Uber, Twitter, Paypal and the list goes on. When it comes to Vue, the satisfied customers are Alibaba, the popular Baidu, and GitLab.

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Anjan Kant ・ Oct 17 '19
2) There are bigger hands that uplift the developments of Angular and React whereas Vue is composed of a relatively small team. This is somewhat a peculiar condition as the code can be expected to be a lot cleaner when the size is lesser, while the length of each stride is more when backed by giants.
3) In a survey conducted by, it was found that around 67% of the developers who used React technology are in true love with it while 52% of the Angular developers are actually satisfied to continue further. Vue was accepted by 89% if they would use it again while the numbers are 92 for React and 65 for Angular.

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Anjan Kant ・ Nov 21 '19
4) The updating and upgrading policies have been quite problematic for Vue dependent developers when it comes to a large scale application while people are comfortable with React and Angular.
5) It should be noted that the React uses the ES6 standard of Javascript and Vue is in between of ES5 and ES6. Angular is quite typical here, as it largely bases itself on Typescript. The disadvantage here is that the typescript itself may disappear completely over the time. Consistency is one good thing angular has got.

Top comments (5)
Not gonna lie I like Vue for many reasons but chief among them is it makes me feel like a hipster 🙃
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